Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Grayson DEFENDS 'Taliban Dan' Commercial Calling it 'Factual'

MSNBC, well known for being a liberal bastion, had Alan Grayson on to talk about his "Taliban Dan" attack ad against his Republican opponent, Daniel Webster. When confronted with the full context of the ad, Grayson refused to admit that he had erred and once again called Webster a member of the Taliban. Surprisingly, this MSNBC journalist hit Grayson pretty hard in the interview, though this ad is so appalling even liberals know it is wrong:

This jerk is going to lose, and he's going to lose big. Grayson is everything that is wrong with the country: a politician who lies left and left just to get some votes. This tool is going down.

Support Daniel Webster.  And here is PolitiFact's article declaring Grayson's ad utterly false.

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