You remember who Alan Grayson is, right? He is that insane Democrat who called his Republican opponent "Taliban Dan", and proclaimed on the House floor that the Republican health care plan was for seniors "to die". Overall, he without a doubt, is one of the worst members of Congress to have ever served. Nothing but hate, liberalism, and insanity spew from his perch in Congress.
Luckily, the people who elected Alan Grayson into Congress, are not as insane as their Congressman. As according to a poll out of the Voter Survey Service, Congressman Grayson now trails his Republican opponent, State Senator Dan Webster, by seven percentage points. Even though a "TEA Party" candidate is attracting a significant portion of the vote.
Dan Webster (R) - 43%.
Alan Grayson (D) - 36%.
Peg Dunmire (TP) - 6%.
Other/Unsure - 15%.
Before Mr.Grayson was elected to Congress in 2008, his seat was in Republican control for twenty-six consecutive years. It appears that the combination of a nationwide Conservative uprising, and an insane Democratic incumbent, will be enough to reclaim this House seat for sanity, and for Conservatism.
Support Dan Webster for Congress!
This scum needs to go
ReplyDeleteThe real question is: Why are 36% of his constituents STILL supporting him, and why are 15% still undecided? What will it take, people?