Pundit Press is proud to present its tenth interview in our on-going series. Today we are luck enough to have Brittany Pounders answer some of our questions. Ms. Pounders is the co-founder of Liberty Juice, an excellent conservative website that is on the rise in the blogosphere. This is, without a doubt, one of the best interviews that I've ever been a part of, so I'd like to personally thank Ms. Pounders and Liberty Juice for taking the time to answer our questions:
When was Liberty Juice founded and why?
Liberty Juice was birthed “mentally” in the first couple months of 2010. My Co-Founder, Chris Bounds, and I, are both passionate about our love for country and conservative politics. We were specifically convicted about returning back to our Constitution and the very principles which were responsible for making us the greatest nation in the world in such a short time.
After several months of planning and hard work we launched Liberty Juice with great support all over the country in April 2010. While we had high hopes that it would be well received and supported, neither of us were prepared for the immediate growth and the quality people that would be attracted and affiliated with our site through article contributions, support, networking and “hot tips.”
What makes your site unique? What makes it stand out above other sites on the internet?
While there are many political, right-leaning, conservative websites- we saw a need for one that specifically and unapologetically addressed issues directly from a Constitutional standpoint. We make an extreme effort to consistently address those issues, while honoring the Founding Fathers who risked it all to make America that “shining city upon a hill” and a “beacon of hope to mankind.”
What is your favorite thing about running a successful site?
Each day brings something different and challenging. We seem to meet the best people from literally all over the world through this portal. Americans, here and abroad, are hungry for the truth that they don’t get in the mainstream media. And they are so grateful that there are other avenues dedicated to exposing the corruption and fraud that can take place within both parties. We are dedicated first and foremost, not to a specific party, but to Constitutional Conservatism and our readers trust us to bring that to them each and every day.
The upcoming November elections are on everyone's minds. How do you see Republicans faring?
Republicans have a chance to fill a need that a growing majority of Americans are craving… smaller government, lower taxes, less foreign dependence, personal liberty and individual freedom. We’ve seen and experienced the results of a large and overreaching government over the last many years and specifically more so over the last 18 months. The Sleeping Giant is beginning to wake up and it is finding an unrecognizable nation. If Republicans will stay true to their principles then they have an incredible opportunity to maximize upon during this election season. Our job as the electorate is to continue to hold them accountable to those principles and promises.
In your eyes, what is this Administration's biggest mistake? Has the Obama White House made any good choices?
The Obama White House has been devastating for America and our freedoms. Their choices are not in the best interest of the American people, but in the interest of a power grabbing “ruling class.” Americans want a strong America. We don’t want a leader who bows to dictators or who goes on world apology tours. We don’t want a leader who says on one hand that he wants to build a strong economy but on the other hand does everything he can to kill jobs and destroy incentives for success.
Asking if the Obama White House has made any good choices is akin to me being forced to give a compliment and coming up with, “Well, she doesn’t sweat much for a fat girl.”
Sarah Palin has made it clear that she has an interest in running in for President. Do you have any favorites for 2012?
I’m sure Sarah Palin will be one of many who decide to throw their hats in the ring for the Presidency. I’m not personally overwhelmed with excitement concerning any of the possible candidates at this point, although we are still very early in the game. However, one of my personal up and coming political heroes lately has been New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie. I feel he is squishy on a couple of the social issues and would like to get a better grasp on his opinions concerning those; but I admire his tenacity and bull-dog behavior. He governs with a backbone and a leadership style that Americans are craving right now. We are tired of the wimpy, watered down, slimy politicians who are slithering all over Washington today. I would certainly be interested in watching a Chris Christie presidential run and if he can whip America back into shape just like he is doing in New Jersey, then that would definitely be someone I could support.
Why the name "Liberty Juice?"
The name we chose was perhaps the easiest pick out of everything that it took to get this project up and running. Working with another person in a partnership requires a lot of give and take, especially when there are two strong and sometimes opposing opinions. But, Liberty Juice was catchy, it seemed to be a great alternative to the koolaid drinkers that we all encounter each day and was a name we almost immediately agreed upon.
We wanted our website to be the “fountain” that patriots visited every day to get their daily dose of freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness!
Is there anything more you would like to add?
We feel a strong sense of responsibility to carry forward the principles that were birthed by our Founding Fathers. They stated over and over again that in order to have a successful republic that it would require an informed, enlightened and educated electorate. In many ways we have failed them in this regard. The situation on our hands today came about because we were derelict in our duties to guard the fragile gift that they risked everything for in order to hand to us. Our Founders realized that a lack of knowledge would breed apathy and ignorance, which we are experiencing now on an enormous scale.
Each of us are different. We come from different backgrounds, religions, careers, blue collar, white collar, race, genders and political parties, but we have one thing in common - we share an America that needs an Awakening in order for its survival. This is our birthright and we must rescue it. It is our obligation to rouse America and empower others by influencing our friends, families, neighbors and co-workers through communication and to educate, as many as we can, on the greatness of our Constitution and the danger it faces. We realize that knowledge is power and power quells the enemies of liberty!
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Pounders sucks ass.