1. When and why were the Unrepentant Patriots created?
The group had its roots in an innocent e-mail exchange in the Fall of 2008, shortly after the Republican National Convention. I received a message from my "darling niece", a very sweet but also very naive young lady who took it upon herself to express her very slanted opinion about the appropriateness of the use of 9-11 footage during the RNC, and her overall disdain for everything conservative -- using Keith Olbermann as her patron saint of animadversion. Including me in the distribution of that message, and particularly doing so with that turd Olbermann as her shibboleth of philosophical rectitude, was akin to tossing red meat before a lion, and I pounced. I went ahead and offered a quick lesson in American history and civics at her expense......and hit "Reply All." My reply set in motion a growing e-mail chain that eventually grew in size to several hundred participants, and eventually a point of "critical mass" was reached that I felt warranted the creation of a discussion group. Hence The Unrepentant Patriotsgroup was created under the auspices of Google Groups, and then early this year I decided that the lack of functionality and the relative cumbersomeness of the Google Groups platform had become an impediment to our success, so I moved the group to Yahoo Groups. The group has grown to a current subscribed membership of more than 400, but there are many, many others who participate indirectly, as non-subscribed contributors and as "forwarders" of our content, so our reach actually far exceeds initial appearances.
2. What is the goal of the group?
Constructive discourse to promote and encourage the restoration of true Constitutional governance in the American Republic, as intended by the Founding Fathers.
3. Has President Obama been better or worse than you expected/feared?
About as I anticipated, but I believe he definitely would have been worse if it weren't for groups such as ours that have arisen to support the insurgent awakening of conservative, Constitutional opposition to his broader goals.
4. Would you support a "RINO" in 2012?
I will seek to support a true conservative Constitutionalist in 2012. The RINOs are a big part of why we find ourselves in the predicament we're now in.
5. Will the Tea Party last into 2012?
Absolutely, as long as we can prevent it from being co-opted by the RINOs and the entrenched Republican establishment. The "Tea Party" itself is far less significant than the underlying philosophies it was founded to exemplify and promote.
6. Would a third-party conservative/libertarian run for President be a good thing or bad thing?
Any candidacy that can unite a broad cross-section of the electorate against another anti-Constitutional administration -- whether it be one headed by B.O., or some other "Demorat", or a RINO, or a Republican, or anyone else who refuses to follow the essential foundational tenets of the American Republic -- would be a good thing, so the key question is not whether a "third-party candidacy" would be a good thing or a bad thing, but whether the third-party candidate, and the third party itself, will submit to the authority of the Constitution and govern accordingly.
7. Anything else you'd like to add?
May God save the American Republic -- but let us not forget that He won't do it for us.....He expects us to get off our butts and do the work.
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