Take Barbara Boxer, for example. The Stimulus Bill of 2009 has spent tens of billions of dollars in California in the last year and a half, yet unemployment in the state stands at around 12%, with some counties over 20%. Remember, the President nor any one else explained a way to pay for the Stimulus, which would most likely be paid for through taxes. Yet Democrat Senator Boxer has the gall to say that she has saved her constituents billions of dollars.
Take for example this post that she wrote on her own campaign site:
Putting aside the hilarious claim that the Stimulus bill "is already having a significant impact" for a moment, take a look at what is written after the bullet. "12.4 million families are receiving up to $800 a year in tax relief from the Recovery Act." In the grander scheme of things, what does that number mean? Well, in case you cannot multiply 800 times 12,400,000, let me: 9,920,000,000. That's 9.9 billion dollars.
Do you really think that people feel that "relief?" Or do you believe that the hundreds more taken from the average American with the Stimulus Bill has more people worried? That's like saying Boxer gave me a $5 bill, demanding a $20 in return, then telling everyone she saved me $5.
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Boxer: Enjoys Spending Your Money |
These are the people in charge in Congress. Boxer, Reid, Pelosi, and so many more. These are people who take your money, burn it, then demand that you thank them. Remind me, how are they surprised that they'll be out on their butts in two week?
If you support anyone in this election, support Boxer's opponent Carly Fiorina.
Please come back!
great article