Friday, October 01, 2010

Grayson: People Might 'Eat Each Other' if we Don't Spend More

As days go by, I am growing more convinced that Democrat Alan Grayson is certifiably insane, rather than just an angry liberal with too much hate.  Take a note that he left on his Facebook profile recently.  In it, he extols the benefits of the government spending money.  Why is spending money so good?  Well, if we didn't, the United States could end up like "certain parts of the world, 100 years ago:"
I'll be honest.  Never have I thought that in our nation's economic state that people would begin to eat one another.  Honestly, who thinks that the unemployed will turn into cannibals... Well, I know at least one person.

And here's another post in which he calls Tea Party members "teabaggers," all the while pleading for money:
He has no right to quote Ben Franklin.  He has no privilege to be in our Congress.  And just to add to the crazyness, here is another post from Grayson saying that "Big Business" is putting horses (and horses' "hind-quarters") in Congress:

Support Grayson's opponent, Daniel Webster!
And check out NRCC's ad calling the Grayson a national 'embarrassment.'

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  1. When Crazy Alan finds himself unemployed next month, I hope MSNBC gives him a job before he gets desperate enough to start eating people.

  2. If he loses, he may eat himself to death...literally and figuratively

  3. This article is making me hungry

  4. Well, he's partially right. The people in HIS district certainly put a horse's hind-quarters into office. He conveniently forgot to mention that history has shown Caligula was a psychopath who murdered at will, along with appointing his horse to congress. Perhaps he should go back and read that chapter again...

  5. Alan Grayson is a complete and total fruitloop...yet, the last polls I saw had him running neck and neck with his Republican opponent. What on earth is wrong with that section of Florida??? Do they all have heat stroke or something? Neck and neck means that entirely half of that part of Florida is completely brain-damaged. WTF???

  6. Everyone on the Titanic deserved a spot in the lifeboats. Of course then everyone would have died.
    Guess we should start eating the Dem-Lib caucus

  7. OMG!! LOL 'Solyent Green' anyone?? Oh wait we have to worry about all those additives though !! LOL

  8. Oh---I've heard you can't fix stupid....but you can,EAT IT !!! correct??

  9. I'll eat you all on election day, fuckers!

  10. Grayson may or may not be crazy, but he did not say or imply: "Why is spending money so good? Well, if we didn't, the United States could end up like "certain parts of the world, 100 years ago."" Let's not make up bogus statements or baseless accusations. There're enough real issues with which to take issue.

  11. Grayson's going to lose soon, anyway. He can eat his braindead followers.

  12. Yeah, that other Anonymous is right! Grayson didn't say that if we don't spend money we might end up like cannibals, he said if we don't spend money, we WILL end up like cannibals.

  13. Maybe we should tell Grayson if they don't STOP the spending, we will have to resort to cannibalism.... and we'll start in Washington. Those are the only fat cats I see lately.

  14. like other lunatic liberals who believe share other peoples money to support/feed their voter support base(obamas crew,unions,other groups on the gravey train)when the economy tanks,since you cant spend/give away more money than you take in and printing more only speeds the collapse,they will turn on the democrats,like dogs turn on their masters when you stop feeding them or try to take away their bone.the only downside to this is republicans win control,make necessary cuts,the liberals will howl about the poor victims/starving,standard propaganda,possibly use portable protesters to riot,usual suspects,one the flipside republicans save america from the crapper,then all democrats will put out propaganda it was their socialist ideas that really did it and dummies for obama will try to reelect him or hillary in 2012,its a double edged sword. hopefully all will see the truth and run these socialist mutts out of town or better to a socialist country to see if they really love it.

  15. Grayson is one sick nut case. He is a as crazy as they come. Why would anyone vote for someone who is a a complete nut job. I don't understand people, are some of them really thinking with there brains or with there A&*.
