Monday, October 11, 2010

Hispanic Republican leads in New Mexico race.

Susana Martinez is one tough cookie.

She has been elected four times as District Attorney. She was named the New Mexico "Prosecutor of the Year" earlier this year. She is the first Hispanic Woman to ever receive the Gubernatorial nomination of either major Party, and she is running on a solid law and order platform in a very Hispanic state.

Did I also mention that she's a Republican? And is leading in New Mexico's tight Gubernatorial race according to a brand new Rasmussen Reports survey of 750 likely voters? I guess not every Hispanic in the United States of America can be, who Harry Reid would like them to be.

Susana Martinez (R) - 52%.
Diane Denish (D) - 43%.
Some other candidate - 1%.
Undecided/Not sure - 4%.

2010 is not only the year of the Republican Woman, but it is also the year of the Republican Hispanic. This election cycle could bring more Hispanic victories to the GOP than the entire George W. Bush presidency, which is saying something.

Any thoughts?

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