Remember when Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats voted to adjourn without extending the Bush Tax Cuts a few weeks ago? I do, the vote to adjourn passed by one Democrat vote. And none who sided against the American people should be more ashamed than Congressman Paul Tonko (D) of New York's 21st congressional district.
Tonko represents a congressional district that is reliant on businesses of all sizes: big, small, and medium. The rural areas of his district are especially dependent on small business for local economic growth, tax revenue, and job creation. So what did Tonko do when the vote to adjourn came up? He voted with Speaker Pelosi, and against the small businesses of his district.
We have seen this time and time again from taxing Paul Tonko. He voted for ObamaCare, twice, Cap & Trade, Wall Street regulation, twice, and he voted against GOP efforts to remove the individual mandate from ObamaCare. The list goes on, and on, and on. In fact, Paul Tonko has voted 100 percent of the time with Nancy Pelosi, and 98 percent of the time with Charlie Rangle.
Enough is enough. WE THE PEOPLE have a Constitutional right to vote, and on November second, we in New York's 21st congressional district must vote for a small businessman who will be the true representative of the people. His name is Ted Danz, not Paul Tonko.
Make the right decision my neighbors. Vote Danz into Congress: he will vote for the extension of the vital Bush Tax Cuts for small businesses across this Nation, and not with the powers that be in Washington.
Tonko voted for what is best for the people of his go back to taxing the top 2% who have 90% of the net worth in this country! Not to mention the top 1/2% who still have 80%. And wall street has done SUCH a good job regulating itself, and Enron, and the list goes on. Vote Tonko.