Thursday, February 24, 2011

Obama vs. Barbour.

I have been on the Haley Barbour bandwagon for a couple of months now, and a recent poll from Politico shows the Mississippi Governor trailing President Obama by twenty points, but the real surprise is that Obama only captures forty percent against a candidate who is virtually unknown to the public at-large.

Barack Obama vs. Haley Barbour
Obama (D) - 40%.
Barbour (R) - 20%.

Haley Barbour served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee during the Republican Revolution of 1994, and has served as Governor of Mississippi since 2003, but most of the public has absolutely no idea who he is, even though numerous media outlets have reported on Barbour and his 2012 plans.

Barbour is best known for eliminating Mississippi's public debt without raising taxes, for leading Mississippi back to prosperity after the devastation of Katrina, and for ending the lawsuit happy culture of Mississippi through TORT reform, which has been widely praised for its' effectiveness.

With the 2012 Republican Nomination battle soon to begin, things are going to get heated across the Potomac.

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