Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin decided to celebrate the release of President George W. Bush's memoir with an column highlighting the negatives of his administration. Well, I would like to highlight the positives of George W. Bush, a man of high class, of great dignity, and of longstanding principles.
- President Bush's tax cutting policies increased government revenues, established the conditions that led to the creation of eight million jobs across the Nation, and reduced the unemployment rate to 4.4%.
- President Bush's leadership in the War on Terror cannot be forgotten: the Taliban are no longer in control of Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein is dead, and the Iraqi people are free at last to govern themselves.
- President Bush's Christianity led to the prohibition of all partial birth abortions, the defense of marriage, and the expenditure of almost $15 billion to fight the dreaded AIDS virus in poor African nations.
- President Bush's Conservatism led to the Judicial Nominations of Justice Samuel Alito, and Chief Justice John Roberts, both of whom are stalwarts of Constructionist realities on the bench.
President Bush was also a fierce defender of America's second amendment, of Israel's unquestionable right to exist, and of America's definite right to defend herself against all threats, regardless of consequence. Best of all, he believed in American exceptionalism, unlike our current President.
I miss that man
ReplyDeleteFMF Doc says: Good for you Mr Kat. I get sick and tired of certain people, Michelle Malkin comes to mind, constantly saying negative things about President Bush.
ReplyDeleteThey never mention that alot of the problems with George Bush and the economy should fall on Congress and the Senate's shoulders. I think President Bush's biggest problems were he tried to get along with Congress, the Senate and Media and the constantly "stabbed" him the back. He wasn't mean enough. My Opinion.
5. Lefty claims notwithstanding, President Bush never once lied to the American people. And he did exactly what he promised he would do in the campaigns.
ReplyDelete6. Not only did his policies lift the country out of the dot.com bubble burst recession, his quick actions prevented a second recession after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 decimated the center of global finance, struck the heart of American defense, and almost the heart of American democracy, in addition to destroying the airline and travel industries.
7. He stood up to enormous pressure to prevent the expansion of embryonic stem cell research.
9. More than just freeing the Iraqi people, he turned a rogue dictatorship, and avowed enemy of the United States, known to have sponsored terror, and known to have possessed and used WMD, into a democratic ally in the heart of the most despotic region on Earth, which makes us much safer in the short term and has the potential to transform the region for the better in the long term.
10. Contrary to erroneous conventional wisdom, he is responsible for THE largest, fastest, most comprehensive rescue and relief effort in American or world history in the wake of Hurricane Katrina (see popular science myths about Katrina).
11. He accepted blame for the chaos during Katrina which was caused not by anything his administration did or did not do, but by a Democrat mayor and Democrat Governor, who refused to evacuate their people, and ignored every part of their own disaster preparedness and response plan, and who refused federal help preventing Bush from helping, claiming he was just trying to steal their glory. And then they had the gall to blame their failures on him. Which he accepted, rather than divide the country in time of crisis.
12. He attempted over 25 times to pass regulations of Fannie and Freddy that very likely would have prevented the financial crisis, and at the very least made it much less severe, but was blocked by congressional Democrats every time.
and much much more
"... the defense of marriage ..."
ReplyDeletePopular with the right and many moderates now. In the future? Not so much. Long term, DOMA will be a historical black mark on his Presidency. But I guess if you're a right-winger now, it seems grand.
His tax cuts did not increase revenues, and he ended his term with 7.6% unemployment. His failure to cut spending also expanded the deficit.
ReplyDeleteHis `leadership' as you amusingly call it, worsened dysfunctionality in both countries he invaded and ruined our relationships with other global powers.
I'm not about to criticize someone for their religion, but his assistance to Africa is about the only good thing he ever did, and his `defense of marriage' is bigotry, plain and simple.
His conservatism also led to Harriet Miers.
The former President continues to retain his graceful political departure by refusing to "pass the buck" even though it was appropriate in hundreds of instances. Even now, he passes when given open invitations to criticize his successor. Hope his successor learns a few things from him.
ReplyDeleteI'm not clear who leftists are publishing to argue with him. They only prove his point.
ReplyDeleteThe unemployment is the result of the refusal of Congress to pass his reforms and energy policy. It continues thanks to our Keynesian (sic) President.
Michelle Malkin linked to here.