Go ahead; have "the talk"
From Eric Dondero:
Democrat elected officials, including state legislators and county commissioners, are switching to Republican all over the United States from Maine to Texas, from Georgia to South Dakota. Why not take it to the grassroots level.
Have a friend who's stuck in the Democrat Party? Invite them to lunch, and have "the talk" with them. Give them a friendly little quiz on the issues. And if they agree with at least 60 to 70%, invite them to join up!
An inspiring little story relayed by Jennifer Rubin, WaPo's Conservative Columnist, on newly-elected New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez:
She might be an articulate Republican voice on everything from immigration to education, but she wasn't always a Republican. "When I first registered to vote I registered as a Democrat," she tells me. "My parents were Democrats. I moved to Las Cruces New Mexico in 1986 and again registered as a Democrat." But two Republican friends took her and her husband to lunch one day, "We started to have a conversation about the issues. They never talked about 'Republican' or used the word 'conservative.'" She recalls, "When we got back in the car I said to my husband, 'Oh my God, we're Republicans!'"Sidenote; Yesterday in Texas, 9 Democrat elected officials in Lamar County (Paris) switched to the GOP. Full story later today at LibertarianRepublican.net.
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