Thursday, January 20, 2011

Meet Dr. ACO and the Accountable Care Organization

Last week I admitted an 89 year old female who had been treated for six weeks in the outpatient setting for a pneumonia diagnosed by chest x-ray. She had been treated with two rounds of antibiotics without resolution.

At about 6:30 pm I met her. Experience tells me that something is amiss. A CT chest reveals an 8 cm right hilar mass. Best practices as outlined by Kathleen Sebelius wouldn't likely not cover a CT in this setting. The ACO puts medical practitioners in the position of ignoring their instinct and practicing cookbook medicine. The doc's I know bristle at the notion of being told what to do and how to do it. I do! For what it's worth that mass was metastatic lung cancer. Treatable, not curable.

"Dr. ACO, just who are you accountable to? Isn't it obvious I am accountable to the Secretary of Health and Human Services."

Dr. Truth Hurts to the rescue...

Welcome to the future of medical care...not healthcare.

Please bookmark!

Update: Doug Ross puts this notion of medical care into perspective.

Welcome to the ObamaCare Emergency Help Line!

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As always, read the whole thing.

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