Why should anyone care? They shouldn't.
The President's liberal agenda is no longer relevant. Republicans in the House are planning to cut back in government bureaucracy and wasteful spending in the coming weeks and months, while the Senate is divided on policy issues and locked in a continuous debate on the filibuster, and other operating rules.
And the American people are not interested in his "investments" that will grow the federal debt. It's actually quite amazing that President Obama, who is called intelligent on a regular basis by a platoon of biased media network's, can't grasp the meaning of the absolute shellacking that his party received in November. It appears that the President is intelligent in the wrong books, which is the same as not having intelligence to begin with.
The speech to watch this evening is not President Obama's State of the Union address, but the Republican response that will be delivered by Representative Paul Ryan. What he says will be the legislative agenda for the 112th Congress. That's something that Obama cannot interfere with unless he wants to directly oppose the people again on vital legislation.
Cutting government. Cutting spending. Cutting taxes. That is what the 2011 and 2012 Conservative legislative agenda will focus on. The American citizenry has had more than enough of government investments - they demand private sector expansion, which can only be accomplished with the full elimination of Obama's tax and spend economic policies that he has championed for well over two years.
Thus, the President's address tonight is irrelevant.
What say you?
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