Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Go Figure: Obama White House Can't Spell "Libya"

Well, I may now know why President Obama took so long to talk about the revolts in Libya: his advisors and press people simply cannot spell the country's name.  I mean, it's five whole letters!  No one can figure that out:
Some no-name on Twitter with almost no ability to read (possibly the majority of Twitter users) may have an excuse to misspell a country's name in northern Africa.

But the official twitter feed from the White House?  With exactly 1,973,629 followers:
And I'm sure that there are literally dozens of people who work this, mostly with the sole purpose of making President Obama look as great as possible.  No, there's no excuse.

But then again, President Obama may just be tired from touring all 57 states.  And this comes at a time when President Obama's former Reverend Jeremiah Wright was linked with, who else, Maummar Gaddafi.

In other news:
Gaddafi Speaks from Underground Bunker: "I Will Die a Martyr"
Physicians Betraying Their Oath and Their Professionalism! 
Vote in Our Poll: What will happen in Libya?

Our main site

And thanks to Hot Air and Weasel Zippers for the links!


  1. Sigh...and some people wonder why Obama does such a bad job

  2. If Palin had misspelled Libya, the MSM would be hooting and laughing at her for a week. I'm sure they will do the same with the 0bama White House staff.

  3. So ghetto. This is what we get when we hire a black street thug activist to do a man's job.

  4. Of all the vowels to go with other than "i"... let's see... Ledia, Lobia, Ludia or La***... yup, Lybia is pretty good...

  5. Smart Power™

  6. I suppose we should be greatful they didn't spell in Labia.

  7. It is called a spell checker. Would someone please show the clowns in the White House how to use it.

  8. If they can't even spell Libya, it's no wonder that Obama didn't use the name of Libya's dictator.

  9. Ya can't fix stupid!

    Here's your sign!! STUPID

  10. There's the inner and outer Lybia, just like there's Inner and Outer Mongolia.

  11. Product of the public education system?

  12. Sigh, Obama is SO hapless, hopeless, helpless it's pathetic. He needs to step out of his office before it collapses in on him.


  13. Hey! If President ØbeyMe has his way, the Oxford English Dictionary will have to include "Lybia" and its Capitol "Spumoni" to next year's edition.
    How can Teh One get lost? Everyone knows that "Lybia" is sandwiched between Almeria and Gypped.


  14. We're in the best of hands.

  15. Stupid xenophobic uncultured teabaggers! Everybody knows that "Lybia" is the native Kenyan spelling.

  16. They take after Obama who thinks there's 57 states. Can't pronounce corpsman. Can't spell Syracuse (Sycacuse). Appoints a Secretary of State that thinks little girls with flowers were actually showering her with machine gun fire in Bosnia. Thinks people that strangle dogs or electrocutes them and hangs them should have a President takes up for them while letting Robert Krentz and Brian Terry killed by illegals not even have a word mentioned about them. Hopes that he can get more people like the Philly black panthers to stop whites from voting. Thinks sneaking in his death panels over Christmas wouldn’t get noticed and he backed down again on this one. Thinks that taking out 500 billion dollars from medicare and adding 30 million more people into Obamacare including illegals and we’ll believe it’s cheaper (PS he knows the truth but has to make pretend this would work).

    Please Check out song called teapartiers I can’t hear you at

    Here’s a verse

    Doctors are retiring earlier but we’re getting 17000 new IRS
    This is how Obama creates health care jobs I guess
    For 234 years this country’s been God’s blessing.
    Now he’s following Cloward and Piven’s to bankrupt the country I’m guessing
    If Obamacare gives Grandma and Grandpa a scare
    Think how when their rationed and die earlier we’ll save on healthcare

    Hey guys if you fought at Iwo or the Chosen
    when they stop giving your wife her meds and her last breath comes over her face
    you’ll find comfort knowing Nancy’d gladly take her place.

  17. Probably can't find it on a map, either. Bets?

  18. Wonder how many of the 1,973,629 followers realized it was misspelled?

  19. Yeah but can they spell "tater"????

  20. The Indonesian imbecile strikes again.

  21. Shucks, I would have thought that all people born in Kenya would know how to spell Libya.

  22. Geez I didn't realize there were so many Spelling Police. This is about the dumbest bunch of postings ever.

  23. Nice comment libsarecommies! actually your handle tells me all i need to know about you. this is you"So ghetto. This is what we get when we hire a black street thug activist to do a man's job." Really now? O was raised by his white grandmother in white dominated hawaii.....have a nice life drowning in your own feces.
