by Eric Dondero
It happened in the early morning hours last Saturday. Full details are just now leaking out, from mostly blogs and other non-mainstream media sources. Plus, the first eyewitness video of the attack was just posted on YouTube hours ago. See "Chaos erupts in San Diego Nightclub District as Crazed Muslim drives Taxi-Cab into Party goers" at link.
Looking at all the various reports, eyewitness video, and from reading between the lines of mainstream media, it is now clear: San Diego was just the target of an Islamic extremist Terrorist attack.
Here's how the NBC affiliate described the scene:
At 1:54 a.m., an Emerald Cab driver jumped a curb and plowed through a group of people standing outside the popular Stingaree downtown nightclub... of what firefighters and police officers described as a “melee.”NBC, usually reliable KFMB AM Radio News and other local news stations identified the Taxi-Cab driver as "Sam Daly."
“It was so scary when I realized what had actually happened,” said Guy Handy, a nearby resident.
A witness who wished not to be identified said "there were women and men just lying on the ground, just everywhere."
After the initial media flurry died down, his real name started to emerge: Osama Hassan El-Darandaly.

Suspect is "Devoutly Muslim"
Towards the end of one article, from KFMB, this little gem of information slipped by his roomate, a guy named Dan Rose:
"'pretty solitary man' who is devoutly Muslim."Rose also said that "Daly" was a recluse, depressed, and was planning to head back to Egypt.
And then you have to go to yet another source to learn that El-Darandaly has quite a criminal background, mostly minor stuff, but included one charge of battery from 2005, that was later dropped.
SignonSanDiego.com, a couple days after the attack, has a follow-up piece mainly focusing on the progress of the one female victim, who had her leg successfully reattached - "Surgeons save woman's leg after Stingaree crash." Once again the incident is described as a simple "crash" not an attack, let alone an attack by a crazed Islamic Terrorist.

Stingaree club owner James Brennan has said that Daly had a pair of scissors in his hand and took a swing at one of the club’s managers.So, we now learn that not only did Osama "Samy" Hassan El-Darandaly plow his cab through a crowded street corner, but he then got out of his cab and attacked the Club owner, and who knows how many others.
National News Media Black-out - Muslim Man attacks young Partygoers in All-American city, doesn't quite fit the template
Wizbang blog sums it up all nicely:
a devoutly Muslim man from Egypt named Sam Hassan Daly slowly and methodically drives a cab into a crowd of bar patrons injuring 36 then emerges from the cab with scissors in hand swinging at the club's owner, the incident occuring within hours of Mubarak's ouster in his home country.Are you hearing anything about this in the national media?
And this all happened the very night that Mubarak was overthrown and hundreds of thousands of Egyptians were celebrating in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria.
The night too, that Lara Logan, and other Western reporters were brutally attacked, and in the case of Logan raped, by scores of Egyptian Islamists in downtown Cairo.
Imagine a similar story line, with a different cast of characters. Say, white guy Tea Party member, plows into a crowd of Teachers at the Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin, and jumps out of his pick-up with a hunters knife, aiming it at liberal Union official, wearing an SEIU t-shirt.
Does anyone doubt for a moment, that such a story would be a front page headliner all over liberal media outlets all over the Nation for weeks on-end?
On the map, the attacks occured in what is known as SD's Gaslamp District, near downtown.
Yes! This is 9-11 x 10 bazillion!
ReplyDeleteAll Muslims must be rounded up and either deported or shot.