Keith Olbermann, out of a job at MSNBC and waiting for his job to begin with Al Gore, is bored. And even though he claims to be busy working on his new station and writing about baseball, he still found time to tweet. 134 times in the last week alone, to be precise.
In fact, Mr. Olbermann has tweeted over 40 the last 24 hours.
And no, it is not because he has a lot on his mind about politics or sports or even his life. The solid majority of his tweets are simply to attack/squabble with no-named tweeters. For example, his last three tweets:
And this one:
And this one:
And these:
And this one:
And those above are just the ones from today!
If you really want to see how lonely ol' Keith is, check out his Twitter page.
Please bookmark!
I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't such a tool