Found this little tidbit of information via Protein Wisdom. Last August the Milwaukee teachers union sued the school system to require the school board to include big Pharma Pfizer's erectile dysfunction drug Viagra in its healthcare plan. While the headline may be risible, it is no laughing matter, but it certainly gets a rise out of me.
Sorry folks, but the American people are not interested in paying for your sexual activities...
(AP) "With the district in a financial crisis and hundreds of its members facing layoffs, the Milwaukee teachers union is taking a peculiar stand: fighting to get its taxpayer-funded Viagra back.
The union has asked a judge to order the school board to again include Pfizer Inc.'s erectile dysfunction drug and similar pills in its health insurance plans.
The filing last month comes as the union, the Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association, is also protesting hundreds of layoff notices issued to teachers for the coming school year. Citing a "financial crisis" caused by exploding benefit costs and revenue shortfalls, the district's outgoing superintendent proposed laying off 682 employees in April.
The district gave layoff notices to 482 teachers in June, but recalled 89 of them last month. Additional teachers may be called back, but these are still the first layoffs of Milwaukee teachers in decades.
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