Thursday, February 17, 2011

Patriot: Bill O'Reilly.

Earlier tonight, Bill O'Reilly released a refreshingly pro-responsibility, anti-political correctness article on Michael Bloomberg's tasteless remark about drunkenness and the Irish on St. Patrick's Day in New York City.

The piece was only 463 words long, which is longer than my usual columns, but the meaning was far more significant than most would think. O'Reilly didn't just set the record straight that Mayor Bloomberg is not anti-Irish, just anti-humor, but he also advocated for something that few dare to do in the 21st century.
My advice to my Irish brothers and sisters has always been this: It is a great day for the Irish. Don't sully it by drinking like a camel.
I couldn't agree more.

Irish-Americans fought decades for equality in this nation, and we have become a proud people in this great land of opportunity. However, the only one we have to blame for the public stereotype that all Irishmen are drunkards - is ourselves.

I do hope that Mr.O'Reilly's article will awaken the Irish community.

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