There has been a big push recently by the Obama administration to allow female Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen to serve in combat roles in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Coming on the heels of allowing Gays to serve openly in the Military, the next step, according to the liberal social engineers, is to allow the females on the front lines.
From the CSM, "Women serving in combat: US panel to recommend ban be lifted" Jan. 21:
The Pentagon should allow women to serve in combat: That’s the conclusion of a US government commission made up of current and retired officers and senior noncommissioned officers.
The commission, established by Congress and the White House, is expected to send its recommendation to Capitol Hill and the White House in March.
Because they are not permitted to serve on the front lines, women – who make up 14 percent of the US armed forces – are routinely falling further behind men in their military careers, according to the nonpartisan Military Leadership Diversity Commission, charged with assessing whether the Pentagon promotes leaders who reflect the ranks of troops who serve beneath them.

From CBS:
On Friday, Feb. 11, the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down, CBS chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan was covering the jubilation in Tahrir Square for a "60 Minutes" story when she and her team and their security were surrounded by a dangerous element amidst the celebration. It was a mob of more than 200 people whipped into frenzy.
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently home recovering.

Certainly Logan was targetted because of her Western ways. Does anyone seriously doubt that the Muslim men went after her because of her stunningly good looks and bright blonde hair? An attention getter in a sea of dark-haired Egyptian men.
The Pentagon recognizes this. They have ordered all women serving in Afghanistan to cover up with a hijab to "blend in" and not affront Muslim sensibilities.
See LibertarianRepublican.net Feb. 5, "Obama's new PC Military - Female Soldiers now required to wear Muslim headgear rather than Helmets"
But even with forcing females to wear Muslim dress, which is patently offensive to begin with, not to mention highly discriminatory, is that enough to save them in a similar mob rule type situation in Kabhul or Quandahar?
Imagine the scenario, a bomb blast goes off in downtown Kabhul, killing 50 or so Afghanis, and the bearded-Muslim men looking for a scapegoat see a blonde American soldier-ette or two off to the distance.
Will Americans be able to stomach such scenes of American female soldiers being brutally raped, maybe burned alive and hung from bridges, on YouTube or Al Jazeera?
The Logan incident has taught us that females are treated much differently from males in riot situations in the Muslim world. We need to excercise extreme caution before moving forward with a policy of putting attractive blonde American women on the front lines in the Middle East.
Dondero is editor/publisher of LibertarianRepublican.net
"our attractive blonde American women" ? You are an evil, ignorant racist. A slow painful death from cancer is too good for you
ReplyDeleteFemale soldiers on the front line. I fear if this happens we will see more rapes.
ReplyDeleteI was born and raised in Egypt and so being familiar with Egyptian male mentality in general I can say that there is a major problem in Egyptian society regarding the treatment of women. Certainly, some criminal elements were attracted to this foreign blond and also because she is American they took the opportunity to commit their evil deed. I would no never never recommend to any woman to travel by herself in Egypt without someone to watch over her. In my opinion the fact that she is white and her dress was inappropriately revealing (in Muslim standard) she was made a target. I pray that this will never happen again to anyone and I sincerely ask God to heal Lara's pain and suffering. My heartfelt sympathies to her family and friends. Please don't let your female family members or your female friends travel by themselves in Egypt. Also, I think CBS is negligent and responsible for not providing Lara Logan with adequate protection. Shame on CBS !!
ReplyDeleteThere is already a rape crises in the military --period.
ReplyDeleteFortunately the numbers of US soldiers that are captured is small. I would hope that something like this would never happen again.
ReplyDeleteRape is a recreational pass time in those areas of the Middle East.
ReplyDeleteMiddle east Thier Motto is Rape them , Blame them then Stone them to death So they can be free to Rape, Blame and Stone again. Can anyone say Sharia'
ReplyDeleteWho said they were muslims? Even then, what does Islam have to do with an innocent woman being raped? Besides the heinous crime these men committed and should be severely punished for, the use of "Egyptian Muslims" in title of article, let alone linking "sharia" in comments is an example of descrimination/targeting and ignorance. I never read "woman raped by a christian" or "woman raped by a jew", why "raped by muslims"?
ReplyDelete"Rape them , Blame them then Stone them to death Can anyone say Sharia' " : Wow at your lies and ignorance...Get educated...just read a bit and get out of your bubble...
Besides, how many men AND women were raped during Iraq and Afghanistan wars? Local civilians got, and are still getting the worse in terms of mistreatment, murders, and rapes...
This is just ONE example among the many:
"Rape is a recreational pass time in those areas of the Middle East" -> Read this you ignorant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_statistics
For the love of Jesus, before spreading your ignorance and bigotry and lies, READ and GET EDUCATED
TruthSaid is a fool to believe the crime of rape is low in Muslim countries based on some silly statistics published in Wikipedia. Muslim countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia) have a well documented track record of brutally punishing rape *VICTIMS*, hence the low incidence of reported crimes.
ReplyDeleteUmmm Haram.. han2oul eh Shes an american attractive drop dead gorgeous women!
ReplyDeleteThis article kinda reminds me of the Iraqi men who were rapped by White American drop dead gorgeous MEN in prison. Did CBS forget that? umm?
So you're saying that while the egyptians were celebrating this victory the men in the streets saw her and forget about the victory simply because she a white pale american woman? Amazing! This could be true i dont know i wasnt there. What i also think is this woman might be looking for a story to go back home with about how Heroic she was and how those MUSLIM monsters couldnt believe how pretty she was. Sad Sad sad sad!
Again! Im not as rasict as most american are. Actually I pity them.
Again again again please lets not forget about how the American soliders raped the iraqis in Abou Gharib.. and this is a friendly reminder also you can use google that you amaizng americans invented to research more about this topic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse
while we arabs could be monsters and horny and black haird ! I have an adivce for you how about you dont go to those black haird people's countries and simply invade them Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan...etc ( and soon i guess Libya) How about that? because seriously you are too pretty for us and and when we see you Pale people we simply go maad!
I feel sooo sorry honestly for you because (sorry allow me to say this) you are the most illiterate and stupid people on earth and trust me thats not only my point of view.
A dark black haired egyptian girl that was by the way sexually harrassed in New York City ( that's in America by the way in case you don't know where that is)
Way to look like the victim!
ReplyDeleteHaving being the country spreading "peace" around the world while torturing your prisoners in Egypt or Libya or any other Middle east country. Meanwhile invading and torturing places likes Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh but torturing and raping black haired people is righteous, but you are the true victims, you blonde beautiful race of human beings. We middle eastern ugly people are sorry for you.
Kindly when telling a story, don't be so biased. Those who attacked that woman are wrong, and at the same time you don't tag people, they are wrong end of story. But, tagging them into Muslim, black haired, horny, ugly men, that's a whole other issue of heating people up.
Because you pretty race of people, also rap human beings in Afghanistan and that's still WRONG!!!
These comments really show how narrow-minded and uneducated the people in USA tend to be. I am Scandinavian, been to Egypt and lived in the US.
ReplyDeleteNationality & ethnicity does NOT equal religious background. Did Lara Logan perhaps interview her perpetrators prior to being assaulted? If dark hair, certain features, dark skin is how one identifies a Muslim, then what do we make of the American population? It sure isn't blonde and blue-eyed... Less than 20% of the world population is blonde, which in itself is a recessive gene.
There is nothing more wrong with Egyptian men's treatment of women than how men in American treat women. Considering how "developed" and culturaly pluralistic the US is, women should be treated better than they are! GLASS CEILING, hello!!! Abuse and degradation of women in the US are as prevalent as in any developing country.
Wearing a veil doesn't mean a woman has no rights, as many women choose to do so.
Also, I have been sexually harassed more in the US than anywhere else in the world!
On a final note... We should not get into what the American soldiers do in the countries they are stationed in. Raping 12,13,14 etc year-old girls! Selling UN sent food packages on the black markets and/or exchanging them for sexual favors from YOUNG GIRLS! Dealing drugs. Raping, raping, raping girls and young women... But not all American soldiers do this, nor do all Egyptian/Middle Eastern/Muslim men do this!
Yes, unfortunately Lara was brutally assaulted in Cairo, but that could just as well have happened in Georgetown, Washington DC...
What is tragic is tragig, regardless of where it happens.
I don’t think that you in a position of pointing any fingers, coming from the most racist country in the world that also has 52% of their women sexually harassed...
ReplyDeleteUSA is country with no morals, a country that the average age for losing your virginity is 16... MINORS, that’s not even healthy!!!
That’s only a tiny glimpse of your problems, not going into weapons, drugs or racism!!
The US embassy in Egypt asks females applying for visas (professionals, scholars and students..) if they will be working as prostitutes in the US, Seriously?? What kind of a retarded question is that??
Another thing id like to point out, is that Muslims are raised with certain ethics one of them clearly forbids premarital sexual intercourse. I really doubt that 200 Muslim would rape a single woman. Why would you say that they were Muslims? I doubt that she got to know them before this happened!!
When I first heard about that incident I was shocked and actually I felt really bad for her.. I even joined the Facebook group “Apology to Lara Logan"
But this really sickens me, I really don’t know how you’ve gathered enough mental power to write this!!
You don't have enough evidence to write such an article, I doubt you have any evidence to start with!!
What about the staff and crew, such honorable men, where do they stand from all this? Were they raped too??
Bottom line is you shouldn't make such false accusations without presenting useful and tangible evidence!!
I speak for most Egyptians and Arab men when I say that we find Arabs more attractive than any other race...
An Egyptian Muslim Man...
I don’t think that you in a position of pointing any fingers, coming from the most racist country in the world that also has 52% of their women sexually harassed...
ReplyDeleteUSA is country with no morals, a country that the average age for losing your virginity is 16... MINORS, that’s not even healthy!!!
That’s only a tiny glimpse of your problems, not going into weapons, drugs or racism!!
The US embassy in Egypt asks females applying for visas (professionals, scholars and students..) if they will be working as prostitutes in the US, Seriously?? What kind of a retarded question is that??
Another thing id like to point out, is that Muslims are raised with certain ethics one of them clearly forbids premarital sexual intercourse. I really doubt that 200 Muslim would rape a single woman. Why would you say that they were Muslims? I doubt that she got to know them before this happened!!
When I first heard about that incident I was shocked and actually I felt really bad for her.. I even joined the Facebook group “Apology to Lara Logan"
But this really sickens me, I really don’t know how you’ve gathered enough mental power to write this!!
You don't have enough evidence to write such an article, I doubt you have any evidence to start with!!
What about the staff and crew, such honorable men, where do they stand from all this? Were they raped too??
Bottom line is you shouldn't make such false accusations without presenting useful and tangible evidence!!
I speak for most Egyptians and Arab men when I say that we find Arabs more attractive than any other race...
This is what "Omar - An Egyptian Muslim Man" just said above. I had to copy/ paste your post, I hope you don't mind. It is very well put.
This article above is extremely offensive to any Egyptian, whether Musilm or Christian or even Atheist. It is offensive to any citizen of the Middle East.
I have a question for you: What is the rape crime rate in the United States of America?
Even if this website is not entirely accurate, it must be close to reality.
Rape is an extremely common phenomenon in the Western world. If you notice in the list included in the link that I have posted, those Arab/ Middle Eastern countries that are on there are at the bottom. And at the very top is what? The United States of America.
So don't use this event as a chance to discriminate against the great and beautiful Egyptian and Muslim people.
What happened to her is intolerable and inexcusable! Rapists everywhere are criminals!
But she's lucky that what happened to her happened in a country like Egypt, where the people to stay silent, where the people don't walk away, where the people don't look at your gender, race, ethnicity or religion to help you.
My prayers are with her and all the rape victims anywhere in the world.
Long live Egypt. Long live Islam. Long live peace.
An Egyptian Muslim 21-year-old woman
P.S. Thank you to all those who defend Egyptians, Muslims and Arabs against the discrimination we have been suffering from for years because of media stereotyping and generalization! Peace.
All the girls that write comments deffending islam and denying the implication of islam in the crime against Lara , should suffer what lara suffered ... as long as you are OK with that I will be happy to see you in a sharia court , being condemned to horrible lashes for being raped by some muslim men .That happens too often in muslin countries , it never happen anywhere else . Just islam punish the rape victim instead of the criminal who raped her .
ReplyDelete´attractive blond american women ´ hahahahahhahah
ReplyDeletejust by seeing this sentence im not going to reply you , because its just prove how uneducated you are ! its pitty for the amercians people that they have someone like you making comments and writing blogs !! Anyways like i said i am not going to reply you , but i am going to mention simple example,
how many people died in the WTC ? 3500 - who did that? taliban ( created by CIA )
how may people died in iraq war ? more than 500,000 incent people and stil counting - who did that USA , why ? to find nuclear weapon ? no they didnt ;( , and what they Said , SORRY . !!!
In the US 1.3 women are raped every 1 minute , the result is 623280 each year ,
The US have one of the highest rape rates in the world .
So what i want to reach is that not bec your american dosnt make anything less than a terrorist or country with highest raped rate !! YOU AMERCIANS ALWAYS JUST LOOK TO OUR NEGATIVE PARTS , AND WHAT YOU DONT JUST KNOW ALL THIS NEGATIVE PARTS EXISTS IN YOU COUNTRY AND SOCIETY WITH A BIGGERE RATES !!
PS Americans blonde women are not attractive !!!
Mohamed ( egyptian muslim and proud )
@ Anonymous (February 24, 2011 4:09 AM )
ReplyDeleteIt is extremely ignorant of you to give such a statement with no proof of validity whatsoever. First of all, the punishment for rape in Egypt ranges from 3 years in prison to life sentence.
Rape is indeed punishable, regardless of the gender. Therefore, please make sure you do some basic research before you throw around opinions like loose toilet paper.
And, if I may say that, Lara Logan's 'getting on the first flight to the U.S.' only made it impossible to punish whoever was responsible for what happened to her. And despite her being in shock and trauma, it still does raise a number of questions in my opinion.
Secondly, it is highly doubtful that president Obama would base his orders to the U.S military Chief in Afghanistan on the mere fact of a reporter being allegedly assaulted.
All that aside, I believe it is safe to say that this article is extremely biased and fails to give a neutral perspective on the issue. The repetitive, yet irrelevant, use of the word "muslim" in the article shows the author's condemnation of Islamic countries in general. And in a country who's inhabitants' vast majority happens to be muslim, the stressing on the fact is obviously superfluous, and only shows how eagerly the author tries to draw attention to it.
First of all, whoever wrote this article is amateur, ignorant as well as biased. Rape does not only happen in egypt, but also all over the world! somehow you are positive that she got raped due to her western looks, when she was most probably not raped because she was blonde or attractive. Plus you have just stereotyped all of egypt into dark haired unnattractive women. There is also quite an emphasis on how she was raped by MUSLIM men (there are other religions in Egypt, even though islam is the majority), to me it doesnt look like the case has been further investigated since she left to her country staight away, i mean really, when theres a rapist in america, we dont classify all AMERICAN CHRISTIAN men as a threat to the women population. We also know that this may have been an exception, as we all know (well maybe not you since it looks you haven't gathered any information but instead talking from your personal opinion) that during this revolution, prisoners of all sorts have escaped and are loose amonst the streets of egypt, so not only is your precious reporter unsafe, but all the egyptian society. The person writing this article has just proved that they totally ignorant of the meaning of a muslim and what this religion is made of. We can all agree that anyone who commits such a crime are not followers of any religion. Also i would like to add, that making women wear the muslim dress, that including the veil will not stop rape anywhere in the world.Veiled and covered up women are faced with many types of sexual harrasment in the arab world, hence proving that you are wrong about her being raped because of her so called blonde hair, and taking me back to point one of your ignorance. Also mentioned previously in this poorly written article, that the muslim men are described as 'bearded-muslim' men, well seriously? are you an idiot. Need i even comment on this illiterate description. Now we distinguish between religion in beards. So if the muslim does not have a beard he is off the hook?! I will not even start on any statistics (which your article seems to lack) because reading some of the previous comments, some educated people have mentioned those. Of course i do not deny any rape that may happen in egypt, that along with many other crime, but if i were you, i would quit the job of writing or reporting it is certainly not working for you, i dont know which school you were taught in, and i dont know what you have against muslims (i shall not say egyptians) and i am very sorry that she got raped, but she was in as much risk also getting raped in many other western countries.
ReplyDeletep.s egyptian men go for a different sort of look that you most of you 'blonde americans' cant offer. And you probably just have the hots for her as you keep repeating how hot and attractive she is.
Yeah, okay because if she was walking down the projects at 1 am she wouldn't get rapped? Rape happens everywhere; it's horrible that it did happen but it has absolutely NOTHING to do with religion. So, every racist over here that finally had their golden opportunity to start pointing fingers should probably go educate themselves before rambling on. Second of all, though i was born and raised in America; i've lived in Egypt for half my life so i would also know that harassment is very famous in other parts of the world - not only the middle east. Lastly, clearly the person who wrote this article is an amateur because not only are they biased but are completely incapable of delivering news correctly. Logan was sexually assaulted; that doesn't necessarily mean rape you moron.
ReplyDeleteAnd lastly, I was in Egypt during the entire revolution. As the Egyptian men stayed up all night, under their houses with weapons to protect their women from any kind of harm. Something i am sure, no western man would have the guts to be able to do. Yeah, sure maybe some men here are scum; I'll give you that. But we at least have men here.
ReplyDeletewatch this youtube video. it is a thank you message with many foreign reporters' names from all over the world that defended the cry for freedom in Egypt.
This is what Egyptians are like, they are grateful, they don't forget those who stood by them.
Notice how one of the names they thank in this video is Lara.. Egyptians haven't forgotten her, they appreciate her efforts, and pray she recovers soon and goes back to doing what she does best, and that is putting her own life at risk in the hopes of getting peoples' messages across to the entire world.
Question for all who care to answer: There were reports of other women being molested at the same time that Lara Logan was being attacked. However those reports also indicate that as soon as the women being attacked screamed, the attack immediately stopped. In Lara Logans case we know that the attack went on for 20 to 30 minutes and that while she was being publicly humuliated in front of a large group of people, there were shouts of Jew Jew, American Bitch, Israli Spy. So I ask this. Is it then right to draw a conclusion that the attack on Lara Logan was not just about some crazy people out to attack and grope women but more about an antisimitic/anti American under current that is prevelent in the Egyptian society?
ReplyDeleteThese 200 men were pigs, and I do not care about what religion they claim to be because they are clearly godless. the problem is not just those 200 men, but EVERYONE who was there, who did not stop them. The culture of a country where people feel free to attack someone like this in the streets, without fear that they will be stopped.. This is the fault of the Egyptian people. It would not happen in America, because there are people of all colors and beliefs here.. No one would be singled out by the way they look or dress and raped for it! Yes, we in America do have our problems, but we also have freedom.. and we care about each other enough to protect each other.. You would never see an Egyptian female reporter gang raped in our streets. Agreed?
ReplyDeleteI love all the marxists and muslim pigs on the site making comments. You can always feel their evil nature! Anyone that has studied islam at all knows that it was based on rape and slavery. Saddat's mother was actually an african slave. The slave markets in mecca and medina werent eliminated until the year 1962 and mullahs to this day call for more slavery of infidel women.
ReplyDeleteAnd Scandinavian marxist feminists most rapes in your land are committed by muslims now. Lay back and enjoy it biitch.
Lara was raped by evil muslim trash. The same trash that raped millions of african women for over 1000 years and killed maybe as many as 100,000,000 Rape is rape regardless of who commits it.
In regard to the usa troops why are so many trash? Well blame that on marxist feminism who hate men and disrespect men. What would you expect of their demonic offspring? A group of people that base their movement on killing babies should never complain about a "lil" rape.
Adios swine most of you will be in hell soon enough amen.