Actor, John Legend calls Trump a "racist." From HollywoodGossip.com:
"He needs to stop saying that racist bulls**t birther s**t," Legend told N.Y. Magazine. "Quote me please. He should be ashamed of himself. It's awful, really."And this from Hollyscoop:
Finally, a video over at LibertarianRepublican.net of African-American SF Gate columnist Zenni62:Bill Cosby appeared on the Today show, saying "Oh please, with Donald Trump. The only thing he's running is his mouth."
One thing's quite clear this week: America has not rid itself of racists... To be frank, that the vast majority of people issuing these wild claims about Obama's birth place are white should give pause to anyone with half a brain.
Donald Trump's image is now toast, and will become darker toast with every week he continues to push it. If he does this, he looks like a racist. Period. End of story.
Problem is all the white presidents coughed theirs up without two years' resistance- capeche, Dr Huxtable?
ReplyDeleteYou can tell when someone is losing an argument when they play the "race" card. Is it only whites that care whether the President is a citizen or not, or do our laws matter to other races? Blacks vote in the 90th percentile for Democrats despite the face that Democrat policies are destroying poor and black communities.
ReplyDeleteNot only that, the previous presidents saved over $2,000,000 each in legal fees by not having to defend lawsuits to produce the documents Obama has been hiding; passports, school records,long form BC, etc.. Any president that on his first day in office, signs his very first executive to seal all of his personal records, surely could not have anything to hide!! Transparencey my *SS!! Racist?? I think the Black half of Obama is doing a wonderful job--it is the White half of Obama that is doing a terrible job and hiding documents! New analysis of Democrat Party's official 2008 Certification of Nominations for Obama reveals that reasons for his sudden trip to Hawaii in October, 2008 were to visit more than just his sick grandmother. Hawaiian election laws, media accounts and post-dated documents reveal he may have attended a private hearing with the Hawaiian Chief Elections Officer regarding his disqualification from the Hawaiian ballot due to lack of certified Constitutional eligibility.
ReplyDeleteUpdate: Breaking from Hawaii: No More Long-Form Birth Certificates! HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MAKES UP THE RULES AS IT GOES ALONG!! Therefore, when Dr. Chiyome Fukino spoke with MSNBC on Monday morning, she apparently was not lying when she said that long-form birth certificates are no longer available.
ReplyDeleteBut why was that change made? Who ordered the change in policy? Was it made because Donald Trump has demanded that Obama release his original, detailed birth certificate to support his claim of a Hawaii birth?
What is the Hawaii Department of Health hiding? Have they told so many lies that they are now cornered? Gov. Ambercrombie is in on the fix!!!
ReplyDeleteHawaii put specific wording in certifying the results of the 2008 Presidential Election to cover their ass when it becomes clear that Barry is a usurper. 49 states had standard language and only Hawaii differed because of their legal exposure.
ReplyDeleteThe best way to resolve the issue once and for all, as Mr. Trump requests, is by the simple release of the actual, original birth certificate (which, reportedly, Mr. Obama is blocking); the same document that must be shown to enter the military, play Little League Baseball, Pop Warner Football, etc. WHAT IS HE HIDING?? Surely it could not be something a simple as his Religion being listed as MUSLIM. No I think it goes way deeper than that. The country of his origin, Maybe. More than likely Obama SR. is not listed as his father!?! Why spend over $2,000,000 hiding records of your entire life history??? What happened to all the transparency he campaigned on???