Now a memeorandum thread....Verum Serum with more.

CFL's (compact fluorescent lamps) touted as the savior of Gaia by environmentalists worldwide has some obvious problems of their own. Not only are they filled with mercury causing a cleanup nightmare but they also emit cancer causing chemicals and toxins when turned on, including phenol, naphthalene and styrene a group of German scientists are reporting. There is also reports out of Israel that the bulbs could be associated with higher breast cancer rates if used at night given how closely CFL's mimic daylight thereby disrupting the bodies production of melatonin. To add insult to injury, the Migraine Action Association has warned CFL's could trigger migraines and skin care specialists express concern that the intense light could exacerbate chronic skin conditions.
Just remember, these are the same people who keep telling us that hydraulic fracturing is too dangerous for our health all the while forcing us to bring cancer causing light bulbs into our homes. Oh the irony. Somehow they just don't seem particularly trustworthy!
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Piss off the envirowackos by breaking a CFL.