Friday, May 27, 2011

America's Budget at Standstill

The United States Congress is at a standstill on our 2012 fiscal budget: Democrats are refusing to introduce their own plan, Republicans are being stonewalled on theirs and President Obama's so unserious that not one member of his party supported it Wednesday.

Fun times in Washington.

With everyone politically dug in deep, and the President lacking all creditability, nothing will get done until both sides admit some unfortunate facts, and yes, compromise.

Fact #1: Entitlements accounted for over sixty percent of government spending in last year's budget, which means we spend three times more in handouts than we do in protecting those who receive the handouts. It doesn't need to be said, but the sacred cow must be slayed.

Fact #2: Government revenues must be raised to help eliminate our budget deficit, but by encouraging job creation and fostering economic development through corporate tax reductions to revive our economy to pre-recession receipts of $2.7 trillion.

Fact #3: American citizens expect their elected representatives to stay at work and craft a budget worthy of passage, and as such Congress should remain in constant session in Washington until a budget deal is reached; no vacations.

Congress passed on making the tough choices in 2010 for political reasons, and now some are hoping to exploit tough choices for political reasons, which only leaves the public annoyed and frankly dispirited.

This has to end now.

What say you?

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