Monday, May 02, 2011

Awwww: Palestinians Unhappy with bin Laden Death

Most who are old enough remember the images of people in Palestine celebrating the attacks of September 11th. I would put up a picture, but it's too depressing.

On a happier note, the Palestinians are pissed that Osama is dead:

1157: Palestinian militant group Hamas have condemned the killing of Bin Laden, Reuters reports, calling it the "assassination" of an "Arab holy warrior".


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1 comment:

  1. Very nice selective quote. Try reading the full article...

    Hamas objects because of the extrajudicial nature, and Prime Minister (of the PA) Salam Fayyad doesn't have negative views.

    After reading your "Osama Not Dead" group blog, and this, I feel safe in my assertion that you are a complete dumbass and disgrace to the conservative movement. Go to the left where you belong.
