Sunday, May 29, 2011

House Barely Stands With War in Afghanistan

Pro-War in Afghanistan forces were barely able to defeat Congressman James McGovern's amendment on Thursday afternoon, which if passed, would have required withdrawal efforts from the vital country to be more pronounced and larger this Summer than what even President Obama is prepared to order.

The amendment was supported by nearly the entire Democratic Caucus and two dozen Republican Congressmen, while 207 Republicans stood strong against the proposed amendment - joined by only eight courageous Democratic lawmakers (Dan Boren included) - who had the guts to stand against their own party's base.

I am demoralized as hell by this vote.

Our men and women in uniform, who we'll all honour tomorrow, are making significant progress in Afghanistan, especially in the Helmand and Kandahar Provinces, but it just seems that few Americans really care about winning the fight we're currently engaged in for our future security.

If we (the pro-War in Afghanistan forces) don't continue to publicly support the fight, we will witness another South Vietnam - where our soldiers fought like hell to win, but the Congress and the people subverted their efforts in the end, which resulted in the slaughter of millions of our allies.

What say you?

1 comment:

  1. If we were going to let them fight the way they need to fight to win- then yes, keep them their.
    The way president GutzyKall has their rules of engagement designed so they CAN'T win- bring them home.

    Those soldiers hunting terrorists in the 'Stan have harder restrictions on going after known terrorists than those clowns in Pima County that murdered a Marine last week.
