Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vote in Our Poll: 2012 GOP Nomination

With two departures from the GOP field, the race for the 2012 GOP nomination is heating up. In this poll are candidates that have announced or may in the next several months. NJ Governor Chris Christie has denied running, so he is not included.

All announced candidates (with the exception of gag candidate Jimmy McMillan) are included. Two potential candidates (Sarah Palin and Mitch Daniels) also factor into the list.

So who is your choice?

Please bookmark!


  1. I notice that I didn't have a choice to vote for John Bolton.

  2. Oops. Would have added him if I remembered

  3. As a Tea Party patriot, if a politician is a RINO, I will not vote them. Especially, Romney.

    More damage will be done by a RINO president passing socialist laws under the guise of bipartisanship than if we have Obama for another 4 more years.

    At least the Tea Party will be able to force the Congress and Senate to put a check on Obama.

  4. At the moment, Herman Cain has my attention because of his performance in the debate

  5. The Hermanator is a very fine choice. :)

  6. Herman Cain for sure, been with Cain for several months now.

  7. Been supporting the Hurri-Cain for 5 months now and am so happy to see his support continue to grow exponentially!

  8. I am looking forward to a Cain/Palin or Palin/Cain ticket. That will be a dynamite combination.

  9. Bachmann is going to make a complete fool of herself, for her betrayal of Palin

  10. Hermain Cain is a Federal Reserve FUCK. And anybody who thinks Palin can beat Obama is fooling themselves. Didn't she already run against him?? GET A CLUE PEOPLE.

  11. Ron Paul and only Ron Paul!

  12. Do people really think Herman Cain did good in the SC FOX debate? All he said to answer all our problems was to make a four step plan. But for those who want a truly honest and consistent candidate, look no further that Dr. Ron Paul. His votes are consistent with his ideas, crazy or not (as crazy as you think following the Constitution is). He never has to apologize for anything in his past (Newt) or explain away past decisions (Mit) or say he thought wrong about voting for cap and trade (Tim). We finally have a vote against corruption! Ron Paul 2012

  13. The MSM is trying to paint Herman Cain as an outsider. Thing is, he was chairman of the KC Federal Reserve bank. Ron Paul is the only one this list that can be trusted.

  14. I support Ron Paul. He was ahead of the game last election cycle and since then I've come to see how well-reasoned his positions are. He investigates issues intellectually, morally, and Constitutionally.

  15. You pick your RINO Neo Cons, I'll stand on the side of liberty! rEVOLution! RP 2012

  16. Ron Paul 2012!! His support has grown more than ever!

  17. Ron Paul is the only choice for 2012

  18. Seriously...if Palin wins...I don't know what the fuck I will do. RON PAUL 2012

  19. For all you stuck on cain this is who the man is open your eyes http://youtu.be/RQFfhoRWXGQ

  20. "Of course I've already taken a very modest position on the monetary system, I do take the position that we should just end the Fed." - Ron Paul 2012!
    ps. Herman Cain was the director of a Federal Reserve bank. No way jose!
    Welcome to the Ron Paul rEVOLution!

  21. Cain is a fraud! Don't fall for the scam by the MSM trying to paint him as an outsider. He is part of the problem!!

  22. Unless you want another 4 years of Obozo Ron Paul is only choose out of the lot that can beat him. All the rest to moderates are way to far right wing with all BS social issue that have no place in our federal government

  23. Ron Paul is the only hope for America's economic crisis and for actual reform. Please do not be ignorant and listen to what he has to say, make your opinion and don't let mass media mindfuck your brain.

  24. In response to an earluer question:

    No, Palin didn't exactly lose to Obama. Obama ran for a different office. McCain was who he beat head-to-head. No, I don't support her, but I don't like incorrect information pushed forward. Yes, she CAN beat Obama. If the economy stays bad, and the debt stays high, ANYONE can beat Obama.

    Cain? He is a fraud, as was mentioned earlier. NOT ONLY is he a Fed guy, he won't even allow auditing the very institution that's overseen a near complete devaluation of our currency since it's inception. Run far, far away from that smooth-talking trickster.

    No, let's not repeat past mistakes. Let's get this right next year. Ron Paul 2012.

  25. Ron Paul backers miss no polls, so his poll numbers never equal his actual support. If Cain can raise much needed finances he would be taken seriously. Romney would turn off conservatives because of his Romneycare and new rino financial backing.

  26. And Cain supported Romney in 2008, and supported TARP and that crap, too.

    Go ahead, believe in that snake-oil salesman if you want.

  27. The only candidate who advocates (and has for YEARS) ending the country-destroying Federal Reserve is Ron Paul. Cain, as stated, was a Federal Reserve banker. I fail to see how he would be a serious choice for anyone aware of what the Fed has been doing to this country. And if you are not aware, it is time you did some research. Watch The Money Masters-it's on youtube. Educate yourselves, people. Don't be lazy sheep-LEARN and vote with intelligence! Ron Paul 2012-the only choice!

  28. Ron Paul Is the only candidate that has a real chance; the other candidates are either RINOs or NEOCONs that will continue the Republicrat's unconstitutional policies. Despite the propaganda spewed by the lamestream media, Ron Paul is the hope for a RESTORED REPUBLIC!

  29. RON PAUL rEVOLution
    Let freedom ring.

  30. The Paulians are out in force today....

  31. Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are the only men with honor and constitutional credibility in this list, but Ron Paul is a much greater leader.

  32. Ron Paul is the only candidate getting my vote for President this next election.

  33. Paulians are out in force every day. Why? Because he is the only candidate worth supporting day in and day out.

  34. The Paulians are in full force because Dr Paul is the only choice. He has never changed his mind, and gives people a clear description of his views. He says point blank that he does not want to run your life. He is for real freedom, not like the faux tea-party people who say one thing but vote the opposite. Paul's voting record matches what he actually says!

  35. RON PAUL 2012!

    Help RON Win the primaries with the GOP Registration BOMB! "like" the facebook page to help send a message to the Establishment GOP by sway the votes.


  36. Ron Paul 2012!!! people need real change, not more of the same.

  37. I wont vote for this list of pantywaist republicans. That is how we have slowly got to this point.

    Tom McClintock and Alan West.

  38. Please can everyone educate themselves before supporting someone that is what happened with president Obama...Also please do not get sideswept by "distractors" such as abortion or immigration. U.S right now has very serious issues and we are coming ecah day far away from the constituation and are rights are be taken away for "temporary safety". I'm going to clue you in Mitch Daniels is Indiana's governor which is where I'm from please do not even think of him as a suitable candidate he has supported ignoring the fourth amendment and now in the state of Indiana ploice are allowed illegally to enter our homes without cause or warrant and they do not even have to knock we can not resist and if we have anything to say about this we have to hire a laywer to go to court but it is for money not our safety and stripping our rights away and for Herman Cain he worked for the Federal Reserve!!! He supported Mr. Romney Care, and he supported TAARP bailouts. Please start educating yourself and others this is what candidates bank on here the ignorance of their audience (ignorance does not mean stupid just simply unaware) so they smooth talk you and with blindness you follow not really understanding your chosen candidate.

  39. The only solution is The Ron Paul R3VOLUTION.
    Ron Paul is a champion of limited government,lower taxes and reduced government spending and he has won countless awards and honors for his work and votes in behalf of freedom.Dr.Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.

  40. unless you a sock puppet or a moron ron paul is the only choice ......a modern day founding father who is the true conservative ..... republicans say end the nanny state follow the constitution....and end corporate welfare while restoring sound economic policy energy policy and monetary policy ....ron paul is the candidate of a lifetime ....so if you believe in founding father principle in a modern day way then vote for ron paul .....bailouts herman cain hes got some good ideas but avoiided questions that didnt involve economics or energy by saying ...identify the problem give the remedy and solve the problem......frank luntz told everybody cain won the debate ......he was third

  41. PaulBot word of the month: NeoCon
    they apparently are big fans of the Matrix

  42. The ONLY sock puppets I see are Ron Paul supporters (Paulbots). they still want to vote for him even after he has shown himself to be a kook. Not wanting to kill bin Laden? Selling off all of the gold in Ft. Knox? and he not only said these things once, but repeated them several times on different talk shows. what an idiot!

  43. Haha to the guy that said ron paul didn't want to kill bin laden.. wow, I think what you don't understand is bin laden is more of a threat dead than alive. We are wasting our own money on foreigners! Put spending in our own pockets, stop these endless wars. Ron Paul has never had to change his stance, and if you look at his numbers of followers there's a reason, because he makes sense. He made Big Ben look like a fool, even though he was Time Magazines man of the year. You think he's a fool? You're the fool! I pity you. Anybody else that want's real change, look no further than at any of Dr. Paul's debates, interviews, etc.
