Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weiner's Wiener Makes a Cameo? What a dick?

Twitter is abuzz with the idea that Rep Anthony Wiener (D-New York) sent a photo tweet of his package to a self described type A Seattleite. Who know if it is true, but some reputable folks are putting their name behind it.

Stacy McCain wonders about the authenticity of Weiner's Wiener and Who is Gennette Nicole Cordova? As always he is on top of things and has lots of updates.

Doug Ross plugs the Gennette Nicole Hole.

Meanwhile Big Government why Rep Weiner cares what time it is in Seattle.

And Big Journalism wonders why Anthony Weiner would selectively edit himself?

Twitter hashtag #WeinerGate is the place to go for up to date news and entertainment!

Update #1 The Lonely Conservative has lots of links and a round up!

Update #2 No Sheeples Here has a must see photoshop. There is really nothing left to say!
Please bookmark!


  1. Want to see a hilarious photoshop of Weiner? Go here:
