Friday, July 22, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik Facebook Profile Description

Update- We have been able to independently verify that this is Breivik's profile.

This is, as of yet, unconfirmed by an independent source. However, this Facebook profile matches several descriptions of the Utøya shooter.

Here is the alleged Facebook profile. The picture that accompanies it is thus:
According to the profile, Breivik enjoys hunting:
Various books:
Various schools of thought:

And World of Warcraft:
He also went to college:

Please bookmark!


  1. You forgot his political and religious views. Conservative Christian.

  2. And the song titles on his profile..!

  3. Anyone can change their photo and name interests that showup on Facebook....then delete those friends listed or available to see, just trance music crap...I highly doubt it.

  4. I doubt this is just one individual' s initiative. There should follow an investigation on his fellow companions of friends, as someone like him would likely to join only those who would simpathize with him or even share the same ideals. Interesting to point out that this is a clear proof that terrorism and extremism have no one religious colour; in other words, Christian conservatism is not better than Islamic radicalism. They're all the same: blind, naïf, narrow-minded, and worse of all, think they' re absolutely right.


  6. John Green you are a idiot.

  7. I wish to ask all of you to put the 91 mostly young people killed, all the innocent people wounded in the bombing of the Norwegian Government in Oslo and the shooting at the Labout-party youth camp at Utöya and all of their relatives and loved ones in your prayers and practice. May love, compassion and democraty prevail and not hatred!
    Lama Sherab

  8. facebook page is fraudulent

  9. Burn in hell Anders. May your cell mate be big, hairy, well endowed and horny!Burn in hell Anders. May your cell mate be big, hairy, well endowed and horny!

  10. Andreas, if u hate mmuslims, u shold be killing muslims & not ur fellow norwegian cristians. so hate moslems & kill moslems.

  11. U deserve a death sentence asshole, how can u kill those young lads for nothing

  12. Islam is a peacefull religion so this kind of psychopats like him surteanly are terrorists ,if muslim made this they go na kill him but he go na take 21 years jaill.
    If i judge i will kill him

  13. seen his profile on Facebook last year. recognize the pic and description - was a friend of a friend. my friend wondered why he'd bothered to friend her seeing as how she's anti-Zionist and socialist.
