Pundit Press is proud to present our 39th interview in our ongoing series. Today we're interviewing an editor of the site Americans for Rick Perry. The site includes plenty of information on the Governor of Texas and his qualifications for President. If you support Governor Perry or are undecided, check out the site!
1. When and why was Americans for Rick Perry founded?
Americans for Rick Perry was founded in June 2011. Our mission is to work on the ground in key battle states to promote a Rick Perry candidacy. We believe that Rick Perry can defeat Obama and restore fiscal sanity to our nation.
2. Why is Rick Perry a better choice than the other GOP candidates?
First, Rick Perry has a proven track record as a jobs creator. Second, he has the ability to unify fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, mainstream Republicans, and Independents.
3. Can Governor Perry win a general election?
Absolutely. The most important issue facing voters is the economy. Americans are suffering. Texas has led the nation in job creation over the last decade. This is the type of leadership America is looking for.
4. If not Perry, then who would be your choice?
There is no other choice. Rick Perry is the only candidate who can beat Obama.
5. What is the Texas model of creating jobs and can it be brought nation-wide?
The Texas model of job creation – low taxes, small government, and a business-friendly environment – has been a resounding success. Under Governor Perry's leadership, Texas has created more private sector jobs in the past 10 years than all other states combined. This model can definitely be applied to the country as a whole – and it needs to be.
6. Anything else you'd like to add?
Gov. Perry is often compared to President Ronald Reagan. In fact, Michael Reagan, son of the late President, called Rick Perry the “most Reaganesque” of all potential candidates. As far as we’re concerned, that says it all.
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