To put it mildly,
she's none-too-pleased with the President's immigration stances:
The Obama administration cannot get its amnesty schemes through Congress, so now it has resorted to implementing its plans via executive fiat,” said Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer.
“We need to remind President Obama that we elected a president that serves beneath the law and did not anoint a king that is above the law.”
Joining her criticisms were two other border-state Republicans, Reps. Michael McCaul and Lamar Smith of Texas.
“It’s just the latest attempt by this president to bypass the intended legislative process when he does not get his way,” McCaul said.
Smith said, “The Obama administration should enforce immigration laws, not look for ways to ignore them."
And Florida Rep. Allen West jumped into the fray, too, calling for a House investigation into the guidelines.
Governor Brewer |
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