Thursday, January 19, 2012

Video: Republican Debate Highlights from 1/19/2012

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1 comment:

  1. Voice crying in the wildernessJanuary 20, 2012 at 4:10 PM

    The only response I have to explain why citizens cannot understand that Ron Paul is the only consistent Constitutional candidate is that they do not understand sound logical thinking based on facts. They just cannot "get it". Ron Paul has a consistent moral character, his arguments are based on Constitutional facts and historical precedents, and his voting record can be defended. The feedback I have received this morning about Ron Paul focused on his statement that he had no plans to release his IRS claim and he would get us all killed due to his "foreign policy". Nothing was said this morning about the real concerns that I have RE: the debt, illegal aliens, open borders, health care, role of the President, role of government, entitlements, distribution of wealth, State's rights, freedom, justice, property rights, education, etc.---all of these in wreck and ruin because of big government intrusion. The thing that is going to get us all killed is debt and our ignorance!!!! How will the republic be defended if bankrupt and filled with the "enemy within"? As Pogo said: "We have met the enemy and he is us".
