Concerning the debt
ceiling, while Mr. Obama wants a blank check Mr. Boehner offers to push any
debate over the federal debt limit off until 2014. This is a concession effectively depriving
Republicans of any leverage in the current budget battle over the looming
fiscal cliff. However it is said to be
breathing new life into stalled talks with the triumphant Obama Outfit that has
taken control of America . Nothing like surrendering your best cards before
the game is over unless
it’s accepting the opponent’s major demand before serious negotiations really
begin as in the case of the tax rate increase.
to news
reports Speaker Boehner has offered to let tax rates rise on higher
incomes. However, the trusty Republican
negotiator isn’t offering that without demanding something in return. He is demanding unspecified changes in the entitlement
spending that is sinking the government in red ink. Increasing tax rates now for promises of
spending cuts later; how could that ever go wrong? Except for every time it has ever been tried,
besides being exactly what the Obama Organization offered,
this same bait-and-switch scam tripped up President Reagan in 1982
and Bush the Elder in 1990.
Charley Brown trying to kick the football over and over again only to have Lucy
pull it away; each time the Democrats keep running the same play and the
Republicans keep falling for it. This
brings us to the question of the day, “Are Democrats smarter than Republicans?”
was a fourth generation Republican who cut my teeth in Barry Goldwater’s failed
Presidential bid and then in Nixon’s first presidential campaign back in
1960. I worked for Goldwater, Reagan,
and all the following Conservative flag wavers who tried to rally the country
to a return to limited government, personal liberty, and economic freedom. That is I did until Trent Lott’s Republican
Senate Majority gave us the impeachment debacle and the explosion of government
growth and spending under Hastert, Lott, and Bush. When the Republican Senate refused to impeach
President Clinton for crimes he later admitted and when they and their
House brethren became Democrat Lite as the party of power, I mailed my
membership card to the party that was no longer the Grand Old Party of my great
grandfather and became an Independent.
most of my life I was a party man: accepting some things I didn’t agree with
for the greater good of electing a party with a platform I could agree
with. However, once it became apparent
that as far as the budget went we had elected the foxes to watch the hen house,
that the conservative social agenda received a tip-of-the-hat during elections
followed by no action, and that the only victims of the impeachment were those
brave enough to bring the charges the scales fell from my eyes. Once I saw that the Republicans had lost
their moorings and were swilling at the public trough, I realized the platform
we conservatives battle so hard for and hold so dear is merely a mirage held in
front of social and fiscal conservatives to keep them loyal to a Party captured
by the Progressives.
in the Dream Time, when my mind was still locked in the glow of Ronald Reagan
and all his example and message meant to America , even then I wondered,
“What’s wrong with these leaders of ours?
Why do the Democrats always seem to outsmart them at every turn?”
Reagan, the best of the best, was hoodwinked by Tip O’Neal in the amnesty bargain: we
would grant amnesty and then seal
the border. The problem is the illegal immigrants got the
amnesty; however, America ’s
border was never sealed. He also signed
several tax deals with the Democratic majority.
We the People lost many
deductions in exchange for lower rates.
The deductions never came back even though the rates started rising
again as soon as the Gipper said good night and George
the First forgot to read his own lips.
Bush the Elder was out maneuvered by the Progressives so many times that 20% of
his base ran to Perot opening the door for Clinton and the first attempt to ram national health care down America ’s throat. That time they overplayed their hand and the
last great strategist among the Republicans, Newt Gingrich, was able to sell a Contract with America and bring the first
Republican majority in Congress in 40 years.
kept the promises and brought some fiscal
sanity back to Washington . Within a few short years the Republican led Congress
ended welfare as we had known it for generations and balanced the budget. Unfortunately the Party of Lincoln then
nominated someone who campaigned as if he had voted for Lincoln .
The 1996 Republican campaign would have had to improve
several thousand percent to make it to dull.
Suddenly, with an assist from the Corporations Once Known as the
Mainstream Media it was Clinton, who had been dragged kicking and screaming to
the benefit and spending cutting table, who was the author of everything
positive Congress had accomplished. The
Republicans had been outmaneuvered and outsmarted again.
to every one of the serial re-counts Bush the younger won Florida and legitimately the
presidential race of 2000. Yet, to this
day people talk of him being selected not elected. After the dastardly deeds of 9-11 the
rhetorically-challenged George captured the hearts of America and the
admiration of the Western world by taking a bullhorn and
talking to
a crowd at ground zero. Yet by fighting and winning America’s first preemptive
war and then losing the peace through the lack of planning he soon lost the PR
campaign which led to the Pelosi-Reid Congress in 2006 and eventually to the absolute
triumph of Progressivism in 2008.
their secular messiah was enthroned at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the Progressives
with their filibuster proof majority took the reins of single-party rule and
imposed their radical agenda to transform America into a Nanny-state based upon the re-distribution of
wealth. This wanton destruction of the
traditional American society based on limited government and free enterprise sparked
a vast rebellion of the silent majority resulting in the teanami of 2010 which brought a Republican
majority back to the People’s House and an expanded minority to the Senate.
what is the first thing these political savants do? They reaffirm the same tired leadership and strike
a deal that anyone who was paying
attention could see was tailor made to save the discredited Obama presidency
and set the stage for him to follow in Mr. Clinton’s footsteps taking credit
for anything good the historic election might have made possible. What were these so-called leaders
thinking? They turned the victory of the
grassroots into capitulation. Not only
did they sign a deal that extended uncertainty and raised estate taxes, they
gave the Administration cover for a stealth stimulus filled with pork designed
to help re-elect the President.
comes 2012 and the Republican establishment and their friends in the
Progressive Media engineer the nomination of the one man who couldn’t beat the
worst president in American History with the worst economy since 1932. They surrender the issue of a massively
unpopular Obamacare by nominating the author of its prototype. Mr. Romney spends the last debate agreeing with the President’s
handling of foreign policy and ignoring the raging controversy over the debacle
in Benghazi. If he didn’t throw the
election he tossed it away.
“Are Democrats smarter than Republicans?”
The answer is they aren’t. It
isn’t a matter of intelligence it’s a matter of people with dedication to
something larger than themselves, as opposed to people with dedication to
seeing themselves as something larger than they are.
leadership of the Democrats is committed radical Progressives. They have a long term agenda to transform
America into a socialist welfare state with an unlimited government, and they
never lose sight of that goal. They’re
willing to commit political suicide, or more accurately they’re willing to
encourage their follow travelers who do not occupy safe seats to commit
political suicide. They never take their
eyes off the ball. They’re constantly
pushing to move closer to the goal line even if it’s one inch at a time.
comparison, the leadership of the Republicans is composed of professional
politicians. They’re pragmatists who do whatever they have to do and say
whatever they have to say to retain their seats, their power, and their
perks. They believe the inside the
beltway press who tell them how visionary they are to compromise, losing sight
of those back home in fly-over country who instead believed the campaign
promises and expect their representatives to stand up for principles.
Party of Lincoln over-and-over chooses to be on the receiving end of Pickett’s Charge instead of behind the
spit-rail fence firing point blank as their enemy wastes itself in a senseless charge against an
immovable barrier. The Republicans still
control the House. They could be that
immovable barrier holding back the advancing forces of bankruptcy and collapse. Instead the Progressives of the right have once
again embraced the Progressives of left in a bi-partisan campaign to continue
the spending, increase the debt, and fool the public.
the first Republican President, Historian Will Durant once wisely observed, “It may be true that you
can't fool all the people all the time, but you can fool enough of them to rule
a large country.”
Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion for Southside Virginia
Community College. He is the author of
the History of the Future @ View the trailer for Dr.
Owens’ latest book @ © 2010 Robert R. Owens Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook.
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