Here is
Jovan Belcher's Facebook account. It has many pictures of the late Mr. Belcher proudly standing with his girlfriend. It's tragic to look at the page and think about how his and her life came to an end today. Pundit Press's prayers go out to the Belcher family.
His Sister |
His Girlfriend |
Please bookmark!
This is not a picture of his g/f.
ReplyDeleteThat's not his girlfriend. That's actually a picture of his sister.
ReplyDeleteWho knows - maybe his girlfriend WAS his sister.
DeleteWell Played
DeleteI heard OJ did it and Jovan was a patsy.
DeleteSo who gets to raise his bastard baby?
ReplyDeleteReally??? You couldn't just think that, instead of posting it? You freak!!!
DeleteHow could you say something like this? This is such a derogatory term to use in general, let alone to call this poor child of GOD whose parents have just died. May the LORD be with you!
DeleteYou are a complete ass! You need your ass kicked for saying such a horrible thing trying to be funny!
Delete@ bastard baby: LOL
Deletethat's the story with too many black men today: no parental responsibilities. Why? Cause "momma" can't get welfare if there's a "daddy" in the house.
DeleteChildren raised by "baby-mommas" and another worthless generation of ignorant, lawless, druggie, welfare.
What a country!
And who, pray tell, are the Master's of this system? The Democratic Party.
Worse then any slave-owner of the 1800s; these monsters enslave without the slave ever seeing their chains: chains stronger then steel or iron.
Those enslaved beg for the next bit of dole/welfare crumb and thank those who throw the crumbs their way by voting to keep them in power. Power that makes them billions.
Kept enslaved by ignorance, fear, hatred and their "Uncle Tom" locals: ministers who spew hatred from the pulpit, community leaders who preach "them vs us," educators who teach the "white devil" in every classroom.
Enslaved and begging to stay enslaved.
Man; what a country.
Thanks, F'ing Rush Limbaugh! U pompous sick SOB! Why don't u keep your racist, xenophObic misogynist tripe at your skinhead tea party rallies! Or better yet take your Aryan @$$ back to the 1950s U worthless narrow-minded, inbred, knuckle-dragging jagoff! Oh and merry Xmas, Martha Focker!
DeleteFukn cowards leaving these bitch ass msgs. I say kill all white peole. World would be much better place
DeleteI guess the truth hurts, huh?
DeleteAccording to Webster (and most everyone else) Bastard is; an illegitimate child.
DeleteHaving a child out of wedlock is an example. President Obama is a bastard under that definition, as his mother got pregnant before she married.
Fukn cowards leaving these bitch ass msgs. I say kill all white peole. World would be much better place
DeleteEat it, racist knuckledragger.
DeleteIt isnt' racist; it's the truth. The black community is a mess because of black men. 83% of black men in prison come from broken homes because black men love unprotected sex, but they hate the responsibility of having them.
DeleteMaury Povich has become rich from black men hooking up with white decoys in the waiting room all the while denying they cheat on anyone.
You want the sex, then take the responsibility of it.
Fuck u bitch.
DeleteTake your own advice boon.
DeletePay this person no attention, decent Americans...Someone has hurt this person really badly (possibly a black person, maybe not) in his past or maybe present. He will probably be the next to put a gun to his head, let him live out his last days...With that kind of ignorance and hatred his days won't be long as he will open his mouth to the wrong person at the wrong time soon enough...The clock is ticking--won't be long now.
DeletePlease note the obtuse remark from an anonymous amateur psychologist; probably a dropout with a sixth grade education I wager.
DeletePlease do not indulge this person's ignorance! Do not let yourselves get worked up or controlled by someone else's rants! Please note that "bastard" means nothing! He/she is spewing nonesense!!! If a bastard could exists then by whose standards? For that matter who "married" Adam and Eve? They throw out halve truths to incite not to educate! Don't get caught up people...stay true to who God created you to be! Keep your heads up and know that you are God's creation and that's ALL that matters! Peace!
DeleteAdam and Eve never existed, and the child is a bastard, a proper use of the term.
Deletei cant believe he said bastard child, what an asshole
DeleteWell two people have Died and some one turns it in to race and a child is left parentless and some one makes it racial and someone whom is Black responds to the obviously anger and hatred by spewing the same anger and hatred. well done my fellow is as always it seems that people whom are angry , prejuidice , or raise this way instead of seeing Tragedy will make it Racial. well let me Say this as A Black Father whom was around Drugs and Promiscuous behavior who had made bad mistakes and do not blame anyone for the state that i am in, a father a ex military Veteran whom has been in Law Enforcement for over 28 years. if you as a black man or woman who goes on social media as this and respond by profanity and calling people names then that is what a person who is angry, prejudice and raised this way desires. because this person once again says to his or her like minded people see how they are not singular but plural. i personally see a lost of life and people should realize that you can not stop ingorance and hate. that racism is here and it comes from all races. as for me if i dont care for you its only because i dont want to be around ingorance. so rather you are a white , black or any color person spewing hatred it is a reflection of you and not the world. i pray for this child.
Delete@Anonymous, you must be out of mind thinking this has to do with race. I do not know why people have to relate everything to race, we have too many sick people out there doing horrible stuff and its white, black, brown all colors and races committing these crimes. The professor that just got killed by his son was white, he killed the professor, his gf and himself. Its that not white on white killing tehn i dont know what that is. We need to put the double standards aside and address the issues as they are. The 6year old girl that just got killed by her neighbor was white after years of abuse by her parents and to end up like that. I dont look at race when issues like this happens except to pray for the families and just hope peopl could get help if something is not right with them.
DeleteI can't believe that you do not understand the meaning of the word bastard.
DeleteIts a child born to unwed parents, maybe what you meant to write was an Orphan.
DeleteNo, an orphan is the child of deceased parents, a bastard is a child born to unwed parents, living or dead.
DeleteThank you Mr. Webster for correction. All in all a child is left without his/her parents. You can take your grammar correcting self elsewhere. The word "BASTARD" is insultive and demeaning. Where am from you would have gotten a ass whopping for using that word. Who know maybe you are one who knows...
DeleteNo, the word "bastard" is the definition for a child born out of wedlock.
DeleteThe child is a bastard/orphan.
If you don't like that - tough.
Because the definition says that does not mean its ok to call anyone that. It might be tough on you but its not tough on me....People needs to be more sympathetic to other peeple's situations.
DeleteProbably the same bi@# that raised your bastard @ss.
DeleteI think someone called you Aryan by mistake. The Arian Nation would reject such trash as yourself. They only accepted people of German origin with natural blue eyes and blonde hair. Most people like you wish you could be Arian; so, that person stands corrected. You are not Arian, you are just common ghetto trailer trash. And just because you and your relatives screw each other, colored people don't get down like that. We live that to your kind and the screwing of animals too. Get off your dog with your 1 millimeter!
Deletetoo many sick fucko,s in this world.
ReplyDeleteshame on you
That colored woman holding his baby can't be his g/f - she ain't white enough!
ReplyDeleteThe woman holding his baby is his girlfriend. He wasn't into unpigmented trash.
DeleteSuch a sad story. Poor left with no parents. Will be praying for the baby and family who are left with such hurt...
ReplyDeletePraying to what?
DeleteYo mama
DeleteYou can take the football player out of the ghetto but you can never take the ghetto out of the football player.
ReplyDeleteBoogaloos shooting each other - who cares?
DeleteColored! Really! Bitch I bet when I slap the shit out of ya lets see who turns colors LOL transparent ass!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see you try, anonymous, impotent Internet toughguy.
DeleteColoreds are all the same, ignorant welfare dopes
ReplyDeleteSounds like ya mama bitch
DeleteSounds to me like the truth hurts.
DeleteNot at all. Crackers will be crackers. No harm no foul. Fact still remains that ur a bitch.
DeleteWhat racist remarks coming from the mouths of niggerz...
DeleteDam right cracker. U white pieces of shit made us this way. No we own the country bitch. I love it that ur mad..but cant do shit about it. Still burns your asses that obama did it again. Get over it crackers. Go wash your stinkn bodies and accept it.
DeleteWhy don't you learn how to spell?
DeleteThis isnt english class bitch. U understand it.
DeleteYou tell 'em, apeman.
DeleteWill do...stinking white trash.
DeleteIs that all you have, nigger?
DeleteI laugh at you.
Truth hurts huh? Lol. So keep laughing white trash. Just kike the bitch you are. Fukn worthless cracker
DeleteHey - your kind are the apes obsessed with killing each other over nothing, I don't need to do anything - except LAUGH.
DeleteAnd please learn how to spell...
Keep laughing bitch. U say that as if I give a shit. Lol. Still doesnt change the fact that you are a worthless, smelly, white trash piece of shit. Im laughing too bitch. Works for me. CRACKER!!
DeleteI'm laughing even harder at just leave yourself wide open for this sort of thing.
DeleteFucking dumb ape....
Youre a bitch. Its obvious. Most white people are. So...keep laughing bitch. And when your done you will still be the worthless white trash I told u you were. Lol. CRACKER!!
DeleteCan't you come up with a more insulting term, nigger?
DeleteYou know, like ape, coon, jig, porchmonkey, bootlip, zambo, and so forth?
And how do you know I am a cracker, or a "whitey"?
Hell, I could be a spic, or a gook, or even a half-breed eskimo.
And you are still a nigger mongoloid with the brain of a cabbage.
Cracker works well bitch. Lol. CRACKER!!
DeleteI doesn't work on me at all, nigger. Try something else, that is if you have the intelligence, which I submit you do not.
It works. Youre mad. Youre a bitch. And o....a Cracker! No other words necessary. CRACKER!!!
DeleteNo, I find you entertaining. You amuse me greatly.
Just keep a Liquor Store and a Gun Store in every Koon Neighborhood and they will be kill each other off.
Deleteit's not racist it's true. 83% of black men in prison come from broken homes. these players; some of the top players; have multiple kids from multiple women in many states.
ReplyDeleteWomen in the black culture and now sick of it and many are trying to date white men. Many athletes and many black men think it's not cool to wear condums either.
Groupies all over the place; horny athletes who aren't used to hearing no? bad combination
Whites are not doing the same? Most white men are Peodophiles, we all know that. The reason the % of black men in prison are higher is because for 1 crime committed by one black man one white man would have committed double or triple that. Couple of examples Colorado killings, The Penn state guy cant recollect his name that's one man committing the atrocities compare to 3 black men going to committ one and one stupid move they are all in the same boat which will end up in jail time. Its unfortunate people turn issues to race when we know all races are out committing these @#%*s.
Deletewhat bullshit.
DeleteJust like the previous bullshit that was written
DeleteWhat a bunch of asinine bigots posting on here - I'm absolutely surprised they can even read the big words, like "the" and "to". I see that stupidity is still as popular as ever; I really thought this kind of thing went out with the 60's. Speaking of impotent...too bad for you your keyboard has now become your penis.
ReplyDeleteAnother Internet tough guy - or a bull dyke.
Deletelet someone know where yo bitch ass at
DeleteAnd what will you do - blow me when you find me?
DeleteSorry, I'm not homosexual.
I totally agree with YOU Melissa! These guys are both a couple of assholes. This is a PERFECT example of the kind of toxic people -- both black and white -- who keep racism alive and living in the United States.
DeleteNothing is ever bad enough to take your own life. Deepest condolences go out to the KC Chiefs and their families.
ReplyDeleteYeah it is guy, he blew away his old lady. it was either off himself or meet Mr. Needle years down the road.
DeleteThis is tragic end for a family, mixing argument/anger with a handy gun usually leads to bad results in a moment of insanity.
ReplyDeleteWhat a waste of a good life
How far does ignorance go?
ReplyDeleteHis girlfriend (with the baby) is cute! Worthy of being a football player's groupie baby mama. Money and fame gets the baddest bitches.
ReplyDeleteI was about to puke coz I thought that pic of his sister was his gfriend.
nah, his momma was his g/f.
DeleteI agree how far does ignorance goes. So sad that people feel like that but at the end the whole world is a mix race black men with white women and white men with black women. Everyone equal. I can say this A BLACKS MAN DICK IS BIGGER THAN A WHITE MANS DICK WHITE MAN GOT TO HAVE SURGERY OR TAKE PILLS FOR HIS DICK TO GET BIG A BLACK MANS DICK LARGE ALL NATURAL NO SUBSTITUTE
ReplyDeleteHey - big dick - SMALL brain...
DeleteProve it, monkeyman...
DeleteWhat have you apes created, other than chaos?
Money cant buy happiness
ReplyDeletedat dead playa boyz lipz were tattooed wif "inflate dese to 32 psi".
ReplyDeleteU guys are sad.My condolences. Whats up with the racist talk?? Because black and white both d stupid shit. Everyday like this.
ReplyDeleteThis is a funny blog. Thanks to all of you for a few minutes of entertainment. The whole situation does suck for the child though.
ReplyDeleteAfter 3000+ years of recorded human history one thing is apparent....STUPIDITY favors NO race. If you allow yourself to be guided by impulses of fear/anger you will become as moronic as many of the knumbskulls posting on this page, and you will deserve what you've got coming to you in this life. And please people, stop praying for signs from "God" and start exaulting your own truely compassionate nature. And don't be anonymous if you've got something to say.
ReplyDeleteYeah - especially the cretin who calls everyone in sight crackers.
ReplyDeleteLets not be cowards. These must be the racist people who show their racism behind closed doors. We are in 2012/2013
ReplyDeleteIts over man....get over yourself. U live in a country with diversity. If u don't like it get tha Fuck out. White people and all races do stupid things. Yates..MANSON ...dahmer...lets not include the thousands of murder suicides I read involving white people. We all need help. And if u didn't care about black people or wasn't concerned, you wouldn't be on here being nosey anyway. U are being so cruel : apeman..monkey? ?????? Who says that? U r very ignorant.
grow up. people of different races hate each other due to evolution.
Deleteget over it.
You Americans take a bit of believing. A tragedy unfolds when a young man takes the life of his gf then himself and all you can do is try and get one over on each other by spouting immature racist obscene remarks. No wonder the rest of the planet think you're all nuts.
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit what you think, clown.
DeleteI rest my case!!!
DeleteSounds like your miserable and lower class with no education.
ReplyDeleteSounds to me that you can't come up with a proper insult, so you resort to meaningless, hackneyed, stock phrases.
DeleteWho was that directed at
DeleteTo the foreigner u are.right and it's sad and sick
ReplyDelete.. People like that are why America had.racial tension at times. They are normally low class misfits who suck dick for a living.
Speak for yourself, friend.
DeleteThank you for the comments, I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
ReplyDeleteFor all the right reasons, racism lives and breathes on the internet and unedJEWcated people still use AOL.
A man died in a cowardly act because he had no where else to go. The mind of a brute returns to its origin, stomping and killing without a a thought in its head.
We whites have given the black man his freedom but we still control you in every way. Our politics keep you down and our welfare system keeps you in check so dont think you are really free, your still caged.
Bullcrap**** You whites have given nobody shit. I see how you take the shit you have given with you when you die. Just some small minded people who think they are going to be around forever. Get your high horse.
DeleteDO you really feel free porch monkey? Whites throw you in jail and black people kill each other all the time.
DeleteWe keep you negros in check everyday. We push you into the inner city, we keep you on welfare, we just dont care about you.
How many gun stores are in your neighborhood? There none in my suburbia and no one has been killed here, EVER !
Im So Sorry Jovan,, The Conversation has gotten out of control.. Please Forgive US For We Know Not What We Do...
Forgive Us that have gotten off the subject..
from heavenly825
Listen People ...
ReplyDeleteStop slinging all this racial mud and start acting like you actually live in the 21st century and not the 1950s!
Reading your posts isn't entertaining ... it is truly SAD :(
RIP to J. Belcher but you should NOT have taken that beautiful girl's life and left your 3 month old an orphan. 'Earning' at least 1/2 a million a year, gifted with talent and you threw it all away.
ReplyDeleteRIP to Kasandra Perkins. Absolutely beautiful 'looking' you were. Not sure of what type of person you were but RIP.
He was tired of being black so he took the easy way out.
DeleteNo not at all
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me about all the comments and articles that I have read concerning jovan killing his girlfriend and then himself is that all the condolences seems to be with him and his family, everyone seems to have forgotten that he his the one that made the decision to kill her and himself. I have very little sympathy for him.My heart goes out to his girlfriend and their 3 month old child that has to grow up without either parent. Because of a choice that he selfishly made.