Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reid: House of Reps Being Run Like a Monarchy!

From the AP via CBS:
A last-gasp effort Thursday to avoid automatic tax increases and spending cuts got off on the same convulsive, partisan tone that marked congressional attempts to resolve the impasse before lawmakers left Washington to go home for Christmas.

With a Dec. 31 deadline for an agreement to avert the so-called “fiscal cliff” rapidly approaching, leaders in each party demanded the other side take the initiative. The new flare-up happened despite a round of calls that President Barack Obama made to congressional leaders by phone Wednesday night from Hawaii before he boarded Air Force One to head home from vacation...

Obama’s plane landed in late morning at a suburban Maryland Air Force base, not long after Majority Leader Harry Reid took to the Senate floor to chastise House Republicans who last week opposed Speaker John Boehner’s efforts to pass a narrowly crafted bill. Boehner’s “Plan B” would have raised tax rates only on the very wealthiest Americans. But the opposition within his own party caucus forced the Ohio Republican to cancel a vote on the bill.

Reid charged Thursday that the House was “being operated with a dictatorship of the speaker.”

“John Boehner seems to care more about keeping his speakership than about keeping the nation on sound financial footing,” the Nevada Democrat said on the Senate floor.
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  1. John Boehner works at a bottle redemption center.

  2. All of the U.S. Lawmakers knew this was coming. When I say all I mean the Administration, the House and the Senate. It has come down to the last few days. Why? Well let's get to that.......Everybody out there juggles their income. But all of you know....that you cannot spend more money than you take in. That is a fact. Why should the federal government be any different. In is not. Obama and the Senate want to keep the spending going and throw caution to the wind.......the House has gone way to far and it is time to stop the spending.........Those are the FACTS.....pure and relatively all of you good people tell me why your Government does not have to do what all of you have to do on a monthly basis......and that is......Balance your check book. ???????????? I think the House is correct in wanting to balance the Check book. 16.3 Trillion Dollars ?????? Enough already.
