Tuesday, April 09, 2013
The Democrats How To Guide for Gun Control Legislation
The recent news reports tell the story quite clearly for once: Congressional Democrats and President Obama want to exploit the deadly mass shootings that occurred in Colorado and Connecticut last year to push their long-dormant gun control agenda while the political timing is just right.
Unlike their Republican counterparts, who usually submit legislation or push their agenda based on facts and correcting a serious issue with a serious solution, Democrats are almost always driven by their ideology first and foremost, and in the case of cracking down on the second amendment right to bear arms, no exemption applies.
But while it is true Democrats are driven by ideology, they are not stupid in their pursuit of putting their goals into law and then into public opinion and then eventually precedent in the legal system, and when it comes to seeking gun control measures becoming national law, I guess you could say they follow a how to guide...
Step one: Massacre. Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said it best when explaining if there is a crisis, you need to exploit it, and no one is better at exploiting massacres than Democrat politicians. So it might be their ideological goal to see guns be banned for good, but it helps sway an opposed public when 2, 3 maybe 4 wacko's kill a few dozen people in half a year and the media covers it nonstop. Suddenly - there's momentum.
Step two: Children. It doesn't matter who is killed, or where, children will be used by the Democrat Party as props to justify taking away Johnny Reb's AR-15 he legally purchased and uses for target shooting, because if there are children being used... Then something must be done. Newtown was just so politically convenient.
Step three: Minority rule. Since the horrific Newtown massacre, which was committed by a crazy person... with non-assault weapons and who tried to purchase weapons but couldn't, eventually using his mother's.... who he also killed on his rampage, we have seen a handful of Democrat controlled States pass gun control, which can now be trumpeted as a national movement to crack down on easy access to these weapons and be used as a political bandwagon effect, all on the actions of a few to manipulate many.
Step four: Campaign. Ok, so you have a massacre - check. You have children - check. And you have ten percent of all State governments cracking down on guns, so a minority attempting to use their non-existent momentum to influence citizens and lawmakers nationwide - check. So what's next? Go on a tour, go on a television show and stand around with more children and talk about why losing your liberties is not really a bad thing, Germany did it once and that rea.... Oh, well maybe not, but still we're not like that, please... do exactly what we say for the children...
And if the populace is uneducated and actually thinks cracking down on good 'ole Johnny Reb is gonna prevent massacres, well then you're served with a steaming pile of congressional horse dung, called a bill, that will received support because of the children and will eventually becoming law, and giving gun control hippies orgasms across the world...
The Democrats How To Guide for Gun Control Legislation.
What say you?
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