Monday, April 15, 2013

Who is Responsible for Boston Marathon Explosions?

UPDATE April 16: Person of interest has been identified as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi.
 UPDATE: A potential suspect is in custody.
UPDATE: Apparently the suspect is a Saudi national.

At the moment, there are no reports of who is responsible for the explosions at the Boston Marathon. Speculation is high, at the moment, that it was terrorism.

Horrific pictures from Boston:


  1. Of course it's terrorism! The only question is whether or not it was caused by Islamic extremists.

  2. Dear whomever said the racial slur, your remark is deeply offensive and not justifyed in anyway. No reports have confirmed or denied islamic involvement in the explosions and even if their were islamic extremists envolved, you should refrain from using such prejudice language. This isn't the 1950s

    1. Pardon, but after 9/11, the attacks in London, Mumbai, and Madrid, and the disgusting acts of violence that are carried out daily in the name of Allah, who the hell cares about confirmation? Yes, we don't know who did it yet, but that's not going to stop myself or anyone else who wants to from assuming it's the sand monkeys again. These sub-humans have destroyed every last bit of respect they once deserved. So, instead of trying to be the PC Police, maybe you should take your defense of Islam and shove it.

    2. please go find the nearest bridge/tall building and jump off it. YOU are the reason everyone hates americans and has such a negative view on us in the rest of the world. Even if it was an act of terrorism (which it mostly likely will turn out to be) there is no need for racial slurs like that. I would also like to point out that the guy above you is not defending Islam in any way shape or form but rather defending his view there is no need for racial slurs and racism which I completely agree with. The acts of few extremist should not condem an entire race/religion of people. Just like I would not want to be generalized and grouped with you and assumed to be a racist ignorant fuck just because I am an american.

    3. It's political correctness gone mad, Stew.

    4. Deal with it bro. You are all Sand Niggers

  3. While I agree that those comments are unnecessary, I think your comment is even more unnecessary. This is America, we can say whatever we feel. While I think comments like those do send us back, lets be realistic it happens everyday. Plus this is the internet, do you really think that he is going to go home and say "That anonymous commenter really changed my mind..." Let him have his opinion, this isnt Riyadh. No one will cut his lips off, thats pure america and freedom of speech right there. Let him be an uneducated close minded worthless waste of space...

    1. Ironically, I think your post - criticizing that person - is probably the most uncalled for. The first person here - while ignorant and clearly not likely to change their opinion - exercised his/her opportunity for free speech (we didn't need you to highlight that for us). Someone who was offended by it, then sent a response that wanted this individual to recognize that their comment was not justified (given the reports that we do not know who is responsible). The person who was offended was exercising that very right that you highlighted - the right to fee speech. So what's the rationale for you to respond to this?! To hear yourself "talk" appear as a valuable contributor to a blog? While I feel my post is also not necessary for the general purpose of this thread - I wanted to make sure you recognize how hypocritical your efforts to respond were.

  4. Im glad people on here are fighting over comments rather than thinking about the issue at hand. Three people were killed today and over a hundred injured. Reserve your stupid comments and think about what really matters.

  5. It is actually your post that is the most unnecessary, just by the fact of calling irony and committing the same atrocity yourself. You should let sand niggers and faggots shave their own bitch ass cunt dicks fukk spick chink cock.

  6. Boston's event is horrific to me, but free speech and our constitution allow America to be great. Some can abuse that, some can attempt to scorn it, and even some can use it as a front for hate -- that includes native born, immigrants and those who resort to terrorism, domestic or international. That's the glory and vulnerability of the USA (though often capitalism can influence public opinion). We are a nation whose people love our country but seems to sway with what we think is morally or politically right. Whether we confront or embrace our constitution, a dynamic document that can change through amendments, it remains the essence of who we are as a nation. The debate will always continue because folks think differently, and in America, the majority always rules. I like that, even if I'm not always part of the majority. Tonight I suffer with Boston, an historic center of freedom that reminds us of our patriotism and our opposition to any forces that threaten it.

  7. It's probably a white American brat responsible.... They never seem to ununderstand the gravity of their actions... A bit like the racist sick head on here!!!

  8. Durka Durka Jihad!

  9. Who was responsible for Sandy Hook? Colombine? Virginia Tech? and the countless crimes that happen everyday in this country? Anyone ever say Christian extremists or Christian terrorists? "Islamic" terrorism was just a name put for racist people to have an excuse to be racist. Terrorism is terrorism regardless who does it and because some claim that they are doing it for whatever cause, why do you take what they say to be true? They're stupid enough to commit such horrendous crimes, don't believe what they say. And like the person said above, why did this topic change from the issue at hand which is the Boston marathon bombing? May GOD protect us all, heal the injured people, help the families of those who passed away, and bring justice for what was done!

    1. You can't compare individual criminals acting on their own behalf with a large terrorist group acting in concert on behalf of a religion.

  10. I'm not afraid of Al Qaeda...I'm scared of Al Cracker! -Chris Rock

  11. I find it interesting that I see all kinds of references to "'merica" and "freedom of speech", "no one will cut of your lips", etc.. but yet.. you all post under "Anonymous".

    80% change this is the result of foreign terrorism
    20% chance this is the result of domestic terrorism

    My percentages, based on my perceptions, based on the limited information I have seen.

    Whether "sand diggers" (note the "D" and not "N"), toothless 'suth'n boys, (maybe not toothless or southern) or anyone else... they need to be found.. tried!!!
