Ms. Clinton blames her "failures as a wife," the "'narcissistic loony toon' Lewinsky," her husband being "lonely," and "political adversaries" for Bill's infidelity while in the White House. This impossibly dense statement makes one wonder if Ms. Clinton actually meant what she said, or was covering for her husband, with full knowledge that if his political career were to go down in flames, hers would likely do the same.
Whatever the cause, Ms. Clinton attacked women for her husband cheating. Further, she excused what Mr. Clinton had done, saying that the sexual relations he had with Ms. Lewinsky "did not include sex 'within any real meaning.'"
At an earlier point in time, Ms. Clinton tried to suppress women from going public about repeated affairs they had with Mr. Clinton while he was governor of Arkansas. Conducting a sort of War on Women, Ms. Clinton again shielded her philandering husband from women and the truth.

As the Free Beacon reports, "In a confidential Feb. 16, 1992, memo entitled 'Possible Investigation Needs,' Clinton campaign staff proposed ways to suppress and discredit stories about the then-Arkansas governor’s affairs."
Indeed, campaign operatives were actively trying to lie about Clinton's affairs and were, in fact, trying to fabricate claims about affairs he was having. An internal memo stated: “Exposing [Gennifer Flowers]: completely as a fraud, liar and possible criminal to stop this story and related stories, prevent future non-related stories and expose press inaction and manipulation.”
In 1998, Mr. Clinton finally came forward, confirming his affair with Ms. Flowers.
Time after time Ms. Clinton went on to both defend her husband and blame every woman she possibly could for his affairs. In the course of a decade, when it came to statements found in The Hillary Papers, Ms. Clinton repeatedly blamed the women that Mr. Clinton had sex with.
Men, in Hillary Clinton's world, are apparently absolved from blame. Women, at the very least when it comes to her husband, are at fault for their cheating husband.
[…] Right-Wing Terrorism Hey, right wingers have a long, documented history of terrorist acts… Hillary Clinton: Women at Fault for Cheating Husband Remember, the Clinton-Lewinsky affair marked the media acceptance of blaming the victim Prepare For […]