All three are between 18 and 32 and appear to be French-Algerian. Two are brothers. The other is apparently homeless. And at least one of them was jailed in France for providing aid to terrorists, but only received three years in prison.
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Islam is a religion of peace, and Musloids reserve the right to slaughter anyone who says otherwise.
ReplyDelete[…] UPDATE: Sherif Kouachi, Said Kouachi, and Hamid Mourad Identified as Paris Attackers […]
ReplyDelete[…] Pundit Press: Sherif Kouachi, Said Kouachi, and Hamid Mourad have been identified as the terrorists who carried out an attack against Charlie Hebdo near Paris. This is being confirmed by the French police. […]
ReplyDeleteThis attack is barbaric and now you blame all the 2 miljard muslims for this but when Breivik killed 70-80 norwegian ppl it was a psycopath.
ReplyDeletekiller france state..
ReplyDeleteThe problem here my friend is that the murders today committed in the name of coran and Allah and if you can't see the difference then you need to open up your mind
ReplyDeleteFrench police need to find the attackers families ,arrest all of them ,and then send them back to Algeria to experience and practice the glorious Muslim religion in the country where they belong and really love.
ReplyDeleteThey are barbarin. And there are so called christan barbarian in US (Ku kux klan), and radical Zionists: All theese barbarian groups incl. Al Qaida and IS uses relegions for they own intresses. They have nothing to do ith Islam, Christianty or Judisme. You can also say that the so called muslim barbarian groups like IS have been late to show them self. The Zionists and Ku klux klan have been very quick.
ReplyDeleteThey are small groups. And we normal muslims, christians and judes are over 3 billions. Late us get work together and stop theese cancer groups. In still of fight each other. It is that they want.
Ben Haddou, Denmark
They need to be shot once convicted. All terrorists should be shot.
ReplyDeleteI happen to be a real Muslim'm sad and very ashamed.
ReplyDeleteDon't stop there, talk to your Imams and other leaders to move against these terrorists who are hijacking your religion, or expect a huge backlash from the West in days to come.