On Monday, IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano noted that Iran continues to hide information about its nuclear program even as the Obama administration seeks a nuclear agreement with the country.
“Iran has yet to provide explanations that enable the agency to clarify two outstanding practical measures.
“The Agency is not in a position to provide credible assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities in Iran, and therefore to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities,” Amano said.
From The Jerusalem Post:
The head on the United Nations' nuclear watchdog said on Monday Iran had still not handed over key information to his staff, and his body's investigation into Tehran's atomic program could not continue indefinitely.
The two measures relating to alleged explosives tests and other measures that might have been used for bomb research should have been addressed by Iran by last August.
The United States and five other powers are seeking to negotiate an agreement with Iran to curb its nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.
They have set a March deadline for a framework deal and a June deadline for a final one.
The IAEA is likely to monitor any possible deal between Iran and the six powers in addition to its own investigation into Iran's nuclear program. Amano said he proposed a 1.8-percent increase to the body's 344-million-euro ($386 million) budget given increased demand for its services.
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Seems to many like the Obama administration was completely screwed by the Iranians, bringing home nothing but a promise to keep talking, in exchange for granting Iran almost everything they wanted. If this was a “good” agreement, I would hate to see what the Obama folks would define as a ‘bad’ agreement.
Iran has played Obama for a fool, but he did achieve his objective of diverting attention from the Obamacare debacle. John Kerry is too vacuous to know he was conned.
For 6 years under the Obama administration, it’s been the stated policy of the United States not “to slow down” Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, but that we would not tolerate such weapons in Iranian hands. Apparently, this immense sea-change, unannounced and substantially undiscussed, is only a few months old, since Rouhani offered the gambit that Khamenei approved. “We’ll pretend to like you as we build our bomb if you let us sell our oil”.
So, Iran will still insist that their nuclear program is peaceful and always was, adding that they deserved respect from the West. How has this familiar refrain changed in any way in five years? What really was accomplished in this grand accord that serves to defend western interests and the cause of stability in the Middle East and North Africa?

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