U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren gave a very interesting response to the Boston Globe on Wednesday when asked about a potential 2016 presidential run with Vice President Joe Biden.
Warren had a very high profile meeting with Biden in August which added to the speculation that the Vice President is looking a launching another campaign for the White House.
“It was a long conversation.
“I love my job. I truly love this job, and it’s all I’m thinking about and you just can’t put another thought in my head," Warren said.
What makes Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren think she is qualified for Vice President? She's worked in academia, never met a payroll, never balanced a budget, she's just an orator. Gov. Sara Palin apparently wasn't qualified back in 2008 she ran a very large state, balanced a budget, dealt with trade deals, oil industry and negotiated contracts and powers to be thought she wasn't qualified. What would make a woman who's not even honest about her heritage qualified?