Thursday, October 14, 2010

Definition of Obscenity?

–noun, plural -ties for 2, 3.
the character or quality of being obscene; indecency;lewdness.
something obscene, as a picture or story.
an obscene word or expression, esp. when used as aninvective.

"When I reported at PJM that military ballots in New York failed to mail just three weeks before the election, I described it as surreal. Surreal became tragic when considering how badly the DOJ dropped the ball. They failed to do anything about the problem for eight days after learning about it.

The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem, and Attorney General Holder has a very big problem on his hands. Actually, so does President Obama. If the mess of 2010 repeats in 2012, this president will have an even harder time convincing the public he merits reelection. I promise the voices of critics and the watchful eyes of citizens will be more intense in two years."
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