Thursday, February 24, 2011

Libyan Cleric Issues Fatwa on Watching Al Jazeera

Libyana, Libya's largest cell phone provider, sent out a mass text message to all of its subscribers in the last hour.  The message: a local cleric had issued a fatwa against watching Al Jazeera.

This had been reported by independent Libyan bloggers.  Their posts are below.

From LibyanAffairs:
From the Truth Network:
In Arabic it warns that there is an "advisory" against watching Al Jazeera.

And from flyingbirdies:
Update:  The New York Times is now confirming the story.

Please bookmark!


  1. All these fatwas are becoming a pain, there's even one against the Wired Fish and Chip shop in Blackpool because the fish looked like Colonel Gaddafi and Barry Costello Monelle Delmonte! What next? A fatwa against the fat for saying wa wa wa too often?

  2. Maybe we can get a fatwa issued against those who issue fatwas?
