Saturday, November 26, 2011

Interview: Making it in the Political Blogosphere

Pundit Press is proud to present interview number 45 in our ongoing series. Today, we're interviewing Tanni Haas, who authored Making it in the Political Blogosphere. The book includes interviews with over twenty of the most influential political figures on the web. We thank Dr. Haas for taking part in this interview.

1. When and why did you decide to write Making it in the Political Blogosphere?

I decided to write the book a couple of years go. It occurred to me that the insights and experiences of some of the world's most successful political bloggers would be of interest to the more than one million people who write political blogs - as well as the many more who may have toyed with the idea of starting one. Judging by all the positive feedback I've already received, there seems to be a genuine demand for this kind of book.

2. How will the book be of interest to blog readers, and not just writers?

The book covers much more ground than what makes for a successful political blogger. During the course of the interviews, the contributors talk about what inspired them to start blogging in the first place, discuss what they are trying to achieve, and share personal anecdotes about their blogging experiences that they've never revealed before. Combined with my introductory profiles, the book gives readers an intimate sense of who these people are, not just as public personas but as individuals.

3. Can anyone become a major blogger?

Absolutely. Even though the political blogosphere is becoming increasingly more crowded and competitive, a well-conceptualized and well-executed strategy can propel anyone to political blogging stardom. In the conclusion, I summarize the contributors' advice in the form of a detailed blueprint on how to plan, produce, and promote a successful political blog. Surprisingly, despite the contributors' widely different political orientations, they agree on what people should and shouldn't do if they want to make it in the political blogosphere.

4. Which interview was the most insightful?

While I certainly enjoy all of the interviews - and think that readers will too - the one with John Hawkins of Right Wing News really stands out to me. John has this incredible energy and drive to succeed which he excudes on every page of the interview. Readers will get a good sense of what it takes to make it in the political blogosphere by following his advice. It's worth noting that John had few professional credentials, no high-powered political contacts, and only limited journalistic experience when he first started out.

5. Anything else you'd like to add?

Sure. Don't ever give up. If political blogging is your true passion, keep at it regardless of how long it may take you to break through. As Nick Gillespie of Hit & Run put it to me, it's still possible to go from "zero to hero" in the political blogosphere. And if you want to make your road to political blogging stardom just a little bit less ardous, you would be well-adviced to pay attention to the insights and experiences of those who've already travelled it.

For more: Making it in the Political Blogosphere

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