Thursday, December 15, 2011

Romney Leads Iowa

In a stunning survey released this morning by Rasmussen, Mitt Romney has taken the lead in Iowa with 23% of the vote, while Newt Gingrich is second with 20%; Ron Paul is third with 18% and Rick Perry is fourth with 10%. This is the fifth straight month a different candidate has led Iowa's undecisive caucus.

After weeks of slowly losing ground to Gingrich, the former Massachusetts Governor gained 4% from last month's survey and leads with 29% among caucus goers that have decided who their going to vote for. The former Speaker dropped nearly a third of his support in this survey and falls to even with Ron Paul.

With just nineteen days until Iowans vote, Romney couldn't receive better news than this. If his efforts gain him some traction in the Hawkeye state, and Gingrich continues to falter, he just might be able to deliver the one-two punch of winning Iowa and New Hampshire to kick off the primary season, ending the race before it begins.

I'm giddy with excitement over this news, but we still have a long three weeks until I can either look at this as good or bad.

What say you?

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