Monday, January 02, 2012

Traffic on Official Santorum Website Explodes After Surge in Polls

For months on the campaign trail, former Senator Rick Santorum was an afterthought for many potential voters. However, in the past week, his popularity has increased tremendously right before the Iowa Caucus.

Along with his rising poll numbers, the traffic on has exploded as well. The traffic-tracking website Alexa did not even rank in the top 100,000 websites on the internet in the three months leading up to the surge. Yet, in the past week, not only has the site gone above 100,000, but it has broken 40,000:
Three-Month View
One Week View
To put this into a bit of perspective, the Drudge Report is the 385th largest site on the internet and Little Green Footballs is the 83,591th biggest site on the web.  So, in the last week, is getting a lot more traffic than Little Green Footballs, but a lot less than Drudge.

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