The Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media joins the radical homosexuals
distorting what was initially said and fanning the flames of hate. Pandering politicians join
in the pile-on and use their offices and the power voters entrusted them with
to punish a lawful business because their CEO exercised his first amendment
rights and stated something that not too long ago was so widely accepted it
never would have had to be said.
Culturally the majority of Americans now live in a nation
controlled and subjugated by a vocal minority intent on forcing their values on
the rest of us.
Back in the nineties after America had defeated the Evil
Empire we stood unchallenged as the world’s sole superpower. Our industrial base was an 800 pound gorilla
in everybody’s room. We were the largest
creditor nation in the History of the world.
Our science and our technology were the definition of cutting edge. Today China rises like the red dragon in
the East. We are the largest debtor in
the History of the world. The fastest
computer, the largest
accelerator, and the number one computer and smart phone manufacturers are
all in Asia .
Our manned space vehicle program is a memory, our astronauts have to
hitchhike to a space station we paid for and built, and the Chinese have just
announced they are going to the moon to replace the stars and stripes with
communist red.
Technologically we are standing still at best while former
third world nations lead the way to a brave new world.
Politically we are watching the Mideast
go south. We are bogged down in a
quagmire in Afghanistan
where the ultimate winner won’t be the corruption we have installed as
government. The Chinese control the Panama Canal
and the Port of
Los Angeles. NATO had a hard time
defeating the definition of a tin-pot dictator and his band of sub-Saharan
How did all this happen?
How did it happen so fast? Is
there anything we could do to reverse our slide into insignificance? Is there anything that will be done to lead
the way back from the brink?
How did all this happen?
How did it happen so fast?
The Culture War has been waged aggressively by its
proponents: those who wanted an end to America ’s
traditional Judeo-Christian ethics and those who wished to profit politically
by the end of the America
we had known and loved. The coalition of
social deviants, media boosters, and political panderers rolled over a
live-and-let-live public as they achieved their dreams and changed moral wrongs
into civil rights. It is now considered
unacceptable to state your personal beliefs if they diverge from the culture of
the lowest common denominator. Political correctness strangles freedom from
college campuses to board rooms. The
murder of unborn babies has made the womb the most dangerous place for an
American child. Television, movies, and music are filled with vile hateful
filth. Triple X superstores and legal
gambling are now the trophies for the victors and tombstones for the vanquished
in a war Mr. Buchanan was pilloried for having the courage to name.
What about the technology?
In their exuberance and hubris our leaders, Bush the First
and Clinton the Last, decided that we could make
free trade work for our advantage when it had killed every other empire
that ever followed it to cheap consumer goods and industrial destruction. Ross Perot was ridiculed when he would ask, “Do you hear that giant
sucking sound?” That’s American jobs
being sucked out by NAFTA.” But he was
right. Our balance of trade
with Mexico went from more than a billion dollars a year surplus in 1994 to
more than a 64 billion deficit in 2011.
This was followed with so-called free trade agreements with country
after country systematically turning a positive balance of trade into a
Then when we combined free trade agreements with an American
innovation, shipping with containers, we set the stage for our markets to be
overwhelmed by Chinese imports. Today if
the balance of trade and the content of that trade were examined it becomes
apparent that America is
fast becoming a de-industrialized
colony of China
as they have been a financial
colony of ours. We supply them with
vast amounts of invisible credit via the pegged, undervalued, yuan-dollar
exchange rate and raw materials while they supply us with cheap manufactured
goods. Our own money is inflating a
mercantilist predator poised to devour our industrial base. Even our military
now relies on Chinese parts and our security may rest upon components that are
designed to either malfunction
or provide a backdoor
for hackers.
What about politics?
Bush the First crowed about creating a New World Order and
couldn’t beat a womanizing bubba in a tux.
the Last spent his Peace Dividend buying votes and gutting the military. Bush the Next led us into a war in Iraq we never should have fought and refused to
leave a war in Afghanistan
he didn’t notice we had won. Obama the
Destroyer of Worlds leads from behind while following the UN, apologizes for
American exceptionalism, and bows to foreign leaders. When you fight a war against an enemy you
won’t name how will you know if you have won?
Is there anything we could do to reverse our slide into
How do you end the degradation of our society into an open
sewer of licentiousness? Values are
taught in the home or they are picked up in the street. Ethics are passed on by people who believe
there are absolutes and who live consistently as if those absolutes actually
matter. Telling our children to do as we
say not as we do has produced generations of people who do whatever they
want. Hedonism and conspicuous
consumption have combined to give us a world where getting what you want is
prized above getting what you deserve.
Let those who live right be salt and light in this world and those who
seek the day instead of the night will follow.
Billy Graham, Phyllis Schlafly, and the Bible
are right Larry
Flint, Hugh
Heffner, and Bill Clinton are wrong.
And if it isn’t right it’s wrong.
Take the steel boot of regulations off the throat of
industry and innovation. Allow economic
freedom and the invisible hand of entrepreneurship will once again transform
America into the powerhouse of industry and technology. Adam Smith and Milton Friedman had it right;
Keynes and the Progressives have it wrong.
And if it isn’t right it’s wrong.
End the so-called free trade, and insist upon equitable
trade. If someone uses tricks to add
fees to our products add the same fees to their products. If someone restricts our products in their
markets put the same restrictions on their products. Ross Perot and Pat Buchanan had it right; our
progressive politicians have it wrong. And
if it isn’t right it’s wrong.
Return to what was
once traditional American policy: a friend to all and entangled with none. Why are American troops still garrisoned in
Europe, Japan , and Korea ? Why are America’s finest stationed
in hundreds of bases in over 100 nations?
Bring our troops home. Let them
guard our own borders from the hordes that now walk across them every day. Let their bases provide an economic stimulus
to American towns and cities instead of those of foreigners. Washington, Hamilton, and Monroe had it
right. The Bush dynasty, Clinton, and Obama have it wrong. And if it isn’t right it’s wrong.
What’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. How do we restore what’s wrong with
America? We do what’s right.
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion
for Southside Virginia Community College. He is the Historian of the Future @ © 2012 Robert R.
Owens Follow Dr.
Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens
The Culture War has been waged aggressively by its
proponents: those who wanted an end to America ’s
traditional Judeo-Christian ethics and those who wished to profit politically
by the end of the America
we had known and loved.
Culture war, Dr. Robert Owens, traditional values, gay
agenda, abortion, gay rights, free trade, politically correct
A political cartoon by David Eden of
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