Saturday, December 22, 2012

Obama Nominates John Kerry for Secretary of State

Setting the mood for his administration's second term foreign policy right before Christmas, President Obama announced yesterday afternoon that he has nominated former Democratic nominee for the Oval Office and current Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to become our Secretary of State at the retirement of Hillary Clinton.

Kerry, who has served in leading positions on foreign policy since joining Congress almost 3 decades ago, is likely to be approved without much opposition from Republicans - due to his likability across the aisle, being the only probable nominee with actual experience and the big preference he is not Susan Rice...

Plus the fact the Senate almost never opposes one of their own for a cabinet position (with a couple of notable exceptions, John Tower and Scoop Jackson among them) and probably wont start here..

How this will effect foreign policy is likely minimal at this point, as its rather impossible for us to do any worse the next term then the previous one in regards to international relations and actually achieving anything, but Kerry is known as a "bridge builder" and a good talker diplomatically, so maybe this wont be all bad.

But I digress...

What say you?

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