THE “NEW” REPUBLICANS (and more Bostons . .)

Even as we remain
transfixed by the endless stream of minute detail, we are given little or nothing of
our Congress' current plans to shove new "immigration reform" into
law. It is not hard to guess whether the "reform" will make our borders
more, or less, open, and whether we will end up with more, or fewer, like the
Boston brothers.

of all things, we come up with "new" people like . . . Jeb Bush! Jeb
Bush, you see, has a plan for a "path to citizenship." Or, if you
prefer, so does the relatively new Marco Rubio. Jeb and Marco have been heard
quibbling over the details of the "path to citizenship" that we
"need." And the "media," to which we give significant
influence in picking our presidential nominees, seems to like Rubio.
This nation that was once a magnificent "City on a Hill" is, at this moment, faced with two terrible problems. Not necessarily in
this order, the problems are: Obama and
the Republican establishment. These problems overlap considerably, but lets
start with Obama:
Obama is a small c communist revolutionary. His mother was a leftist revolutionary, his father was a leftist revolutionary, his mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a leftist revolutionary, his chosen friends were Marxist revolutionaries, his favorite professors were Marxist revolutionaries, his preacher was a Black Liberation revolutionary with strong ties to the Nation of Islam and the Socialist scholars. His friends at the Midwest Academy are Marxist revolutionaries, his friends at the New Party were Marxist revolutionaries. His staff and attempted nominees from Anita Dunn to Van Jones to Sam Graham Felsen were Marxist revolutionaries.He launched his career in the living room of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the domestic terrorists and murder plotters who were "guilty as hell," as devoted Marxist revolutionaries.Why would we think that after accomplishing the most leftist voting record in the Senate, left of Bernie Sanders . . . that Obama would be something different from what he has been the whole of his life and has voluntarily surrounded himself with like-minded thinkers?
Each of
the above facts were known to us well before Obama's second election (most
before his first). It does not take Sherlock Holmes to connect those dots, to
comprehend exactly who and what Obama is, and that his intention is to destroy
this constitutional Republic that was bequeathed to us by much finer men than
exist today.
As any
communist revolutionary, small c or otherwise, can tell you (Lenin, Stalin,
Chairman Mao, Fidel Castro, etc.) lying relentlessly to the people is an
essential part of the game. Obama demonstrated this in his first national
exposure, the 2004 Democratic National Convention, when he had his people
swooning with his "no red states-no blue states, no black Americans-no
white Americans" hogwash. He has kept it up ever since.
So how do our fearless leaders of the Republican establishment deal with the
incessant lies? On ABC This Week (March
17, 2013), Martha Raddatz discussed with John Boehner his relationship with the
president. Boehner couldn't be happier with it:
RADDATZ: So, do you trust President Obama?
BOEHNER: Absolutely.RADDATZ: Absolutely?BOEHNER: Absolutely! There's no issue there . . .
concluded by agreeing with Obama that "We do not have an immediate debt
crisis." So, while Obama lies relentlessly to almost everyone else in the
country, Obama doesn't lie to John Boehner. Brazenly enough, on April 17, 2013,
Obama ranted from the Rose Garden that anyone who opposed his Second Amendment
Infringement Plan had "willfully lied."
One may
wonder why we need "new" people when the very establishment John
Boehner has managed to get the congenital liar Obama to speak nothing but truth
to him. But we do. So lets take a look at the relatively new (went to D.C. in
January, 2011) Marco Rubio:
Rubio has been presented to us as a
conservative. Is he? In less than two years he became (apparently) proud to
refer to the execrable John McCain as his "mentor." He has learned
what a great idea it is, as our country battles the other side for its very
life, to compromise with the likes of Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin. He has
allowed the other side to use his "Hispanic" heritage to help them
turn this country into a socialistic, third-world fever swamp. Then he ends his
"reply" to Obama's 2013 State of the Union with the stirring words:
". . . and God bless our President."
He has
learned what a good idea it is to feverishly work behind closed doors with a
"Gang of Eight" while the other ninety-two Senators have little or
nothing to say. And he has figured out that we "need" a "path to
citizenship" for those 11,000,000 "workers" forced to live in
the shadows because of America's
"racism" and "xenophobia." Well, let's take a look at some
of these things:
He does
not seem to know that we have had a "path to citizenship" since 1790
(see 1 Stat. 103), and throughout its many plain English amendments over more
than two hundred years, all it has ever required is that aspiring citizens
follow the explicit law. The problem today is that, over several decades, a
certain political party, with a disgraceful amount of help from a certain other
political party, has been sending out unmistakable signals to many millions of
third-world people that they can come here without following our laws, and gain
most of the advantages of living here without taking on the responsibilities of
11,000,000 ?
many millions? You can thank the Lord if it is only 11,000,000. Marco Rubio,
along with all the left-wing talking points readers and media style-book writers,
have been using the number 11,000,000 as though it were carved on Mt. Rushmore
. . . unchanging for decades. In March of 2004, the Census Bureau, using its
Current Population Survey (CPS), informed us that "there were slightly
over 9.1 million illegal aliens in the survey. It must be remembered that this
estimate only includes illegal aliens captured by the March CPS, not those
missed by the survey." Note the quote says "aliens in the
survey," not "aliens in the country," and that it includes only aliens
who responded to the survey, and not a single one who did not. Since these
benighted people are all terrified and hiding in the shadows, logic dictates
that the number not rushing out to be captured by the CPS would add many
millions to that estimate.
March of 2006, Time Magazine, (apparently in a different frame of mind than the
Time shown above), wrote an excellent, in-depth, 18-page
piece containing the following:
It's fair to estimate, based on a TIME investigation, that the number of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million--enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year. It will be the largest wave since 2001 and roughly triple the number of immigrants who will come to the U.S. by legal means. (No one knows how many illegals are living in the U.S., but estimates run as high as 15 million.)
since Janet Napolitano tells us that the border under Obama is "as secure
as it's ever been", and all knowledgeable people tell us the number we are
dealing with in April, 2013, is 11,000,000, we can put that in the bank.
has now taken solemn oaths on two occasions to "take care that the laws be
faithfully executed," the duty that is the root of his title as
"Chief Executive." Unfortunately, he has demonstrated that he
executes only the laws he personally agrees with. And he has made it clear he
does not agree with any law hindering in any way any uneducated, poverty level,
third world person from simply walking into the U.S. over an open border. Does
Marco Rubio not realize that?
Obama has made it clear he intends and expects, with every future election, one
way or the other, that millions and millions more of these uneducated, poverty
level, third world people will be voting for Democrats in more and more sham
elections. On a recent Sunday, Rubio went on seven (7!) TV networks and
prattled about all the tough language, all the requirements, mandates,
deadlines, etc. that his "Path to Citizenship" will contain. Does
Rubio not realize that not one of those things will take place unless Obama
sees it as furthering his agenda of a de facto one-party state?
Rubio's efforts to shove this monstrosity through are successful, there may never
be another Republican president, or even a Republican majority in the House or
Senate. Does Rubio not realize that? If he does not, he must be terribly
stupid. And if he does, he must be terribly dishonest. In either event, if this
is the best of the "New" Republicans, God help us all.
MO Atty
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Superb piece, as always