Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scottish Independence: Exit Polls Say NO, According to YouGov

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An educated guess at best, but a stunning prediction from YouGov:

More from our live updates here:
The polls are now closed and, within the night, the United Kingdom could be missing its north. Scotland is voting to determine their independence. The polls are razor thin. What will happen? Stay here and find out with our live updates!

YouGov Scotland

10:32 GMT +1: YouGov says an almost landslide victory for NO, with 54% of voters voting to keep Scotland a part of the United Kingdom. But this is, at best, an educated guess.

10:30 GMT +1: Reporters on the ground are reporting near 100% turnout.

10:23 GMT +1: Apparently, YouGov will release their best, educated guesses on the referendum within a few minutes. It's tough to know because there is a complete lack of exit polling in this vote. Then again, exit polling isn't the most accurate thing in the world. I guess we'll see what they say.

10:00 GMT +1: Polls are now CLOSED. Let the counting begin!

9:39 GMT +1- Somehow, CNN is reporting that "110% of Voters" voted in a recent poll of theirs. Okay then.

9:01 GMT +1- Amazing turnout is being reported, with 95% of possible voters going to the polls.

7:50 GMT +1- That's right: if you're 16, you can vote in Scotland. Go do it if you haven't already!

7:40 GMT +1- The pound is doing very well today:

7:07 GMT +1- Just so you all know, the local polls close at 10 o'clock.

6:59 GMT +1- Lots of comparisons to Quebec's vote for independence:

6:52 GMT +1- Believe it or not, this very simple ballot will decide the future of Scotland:
Scottish Independence Ballot

6:50 GMT +1- #IndyRef is trending on Twitter as well as #Scotland.

6:46 GMT +1- British markets are betting that Scotland stays in the United Kingdom.

6:44 GMT +1- #Scotland, as to be expected, is trending on Twitter.

6:35 GMT +1- The very last poll asking if Scots would vote for independence states that a majority, 53%, would say NO. 47% would say yes.

6:30 GMT +1- The "Yes" campaign tweets:

6:16 GMT +1- Very high turnout in Scotland with big crowds:
Crowds in Favor of Scottish Independence

Keep it here for the latest updates!
Scottish Flag

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